t w e n t y n i n e

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implication of self harm

can you come over

i need you


as soon as she saw the text messages, y/n was filled with worry. immediately, she left her house and started to call jaebum, who just let the phone ring and made no effort to check who it was. y/n cursed him in her head when the call went to voicemail. all she was currently focused on was trying to get to jaebum's house as quick as possible, running there was the fastest option since y/n didn't have a car. she ran till her legs started to burn but the pain didn't matter; all that mattered was if jaebum was okay.

after running for what felt like years, y/n stumbled up the stairs that led up to the door of jaebum's house. luckily for her, the door was unlocked so she didn't have to wait any longer to go and check on jaebum.

all the lights were off in the house. an eerie feel moved throughout the whole property, making y/n feel nervous. she knocked on the white door of jaebum's room. from where she was stood, she could hear the sobs of the boy on the other side of the door. the sound making y/n's heart clench.

"jae, it's me, i'm coming in, okay?" y/n said loud enough for him to hear through the door, the crying stopped as y/n walked into the dark bedroom. instead of turning the light on, y/n made a beeline to jaebum, as if they were opposite sides of a magnet being attracted to each other.

jaebum froze when he felt warm hands embrace him. he buried his face into y/n's standing figure, wetting the shirt she was wearing, and held her waist tightly, as if he didn't want to let her go, ever.

"jae, what's wrong?" y/n asked softly, running her hands through his hair in hopes of calming him down.

a silence took over them when jaebum didn't answer but cried instead. he never cried. the last time he did his father beat him black and blue. y/n understood that something bad must of happened. the smell of alcohol that was apparent in the room alarmed her. as did the droplets that were on the wooden floor. she couldn't make out what type of liquid it was in the darkness.


"you won't leave me, will you?" jaebum's voice was hoarse from all the crying he had done. his dark eyes were now bloodshot. the way he looked up at y/n made her want to take everything bad away from him.

y/n smiled at him softly, before caressing the side of his face. "i'm here, aren't i?"

"you p-promise you won't ever l-leave me, you're mine, aren't you, baby?" the sudden urgency in his voice made the smile fall from y/n's face. when she tried stepping away from jaebum, he just tightened his grip on her, to the point where it was hurting her.

"say you promise," he growled, his sadness swapping for aggression, "say it y/n!"

"i-i promise."

"don't lie to me, you'll leave like everyone else, won't you? no one cares enough to stay. not even my own parents care enough to stay. i've seen my mum three times in the past six months, why can't they pay attention to me, why?"

the tears cascaded down jaebum's face like a gentle stream. he was lonely and craved the attention he had been deprived of his whole life. maybe that's why he drank till he couldn't remember what was the cause of his pain. maybe that's why he craved the touch of a woman so he could feel wanted.

"don't go to paris," jaebum whispered shakily. he knew what he was saying. this was the most sober he had been all day. when he had seen the text from earlier in the morning he felt the loneliness creep back in. "everything is fine if i have you, p-please don't go, i-i lo-love you."

the pleading look on jaebum's face made y/n want to give up her scholarship.

they didn't exchange anymore words. jaebum clung onto y/n for dear life, his head resting against her stomach. once he had fallen asleep, y/n found a way to escape his arms. his arms were tainted red. the sight caused y/n to panic. she carefully lifted the sleeves of the sleeping male's shirt to only be met with the damage he had done to himself but the light from the moon could only show so much.

a tear rolled down y/n's cheek. she felt like it was her fault. if she had been there for jaebum then he wouldn't resort to such a thing. and it would only get worse as time goes on.

so y/n made a decision as she held jaebum's hand, her thumb tracing circles onto his soft skin.

"i won't leave you."

"i promise."

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