t h i r t e e n

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"hey y/n, you looked so pretty on music bank last week, i never knew you could dance like that!" a girl, who was in y/n's english but had never spoken to her, said with a kind smile on her face. the girl's main motive was to actually see if the rumours about the new boy were true, and boy were they.

y/m smiled back awkwardly since she was in the middle of a conversation with jaehyun but thanked the girl anyway. that was the fifth person to compliment her that morning. when the girl had left y/n apologised to jaehyun.

"it's fine, i didn't know you were so popular," jaehyun said with his dimples on show.

"honestly i'm not, lisa is the most popular in our group since she actually has friends."

jaehyun laughed and ruffled y/n's hair, "well i better get to class, where do you guys go for break?"

y/n began explaining what they did at break and lunch to jaehyun as she walked him to his science class, her class was near the one he was going to be in. she didn't realise that jaebum was also stood there waiting since he came to school early. taking advantage of the y/n's obliviousness, jaebum pulled her into his arms and spun her around, making y/n gasp from the sudden surprise. jaehyun was left to stand there and watch with confusion like everyone else.

when she was put down, she hit jaebum as hard as she could on the arm, "why would you do that?!" y/n felt her heart beat racing from the scare. it was the scare, definitely not being in jaebum's arm at all.

"i missed you too," jaebum said through chuckles, he caught onto y/n's arm and pulled her into him for a hug. y/n felt her heart beat quicken even faster than it already was when the smell of his cologne engulfed her.

"people are looking." she said when someone pointed at them, the colour in her cheeks deepened. y/n couldn't stand the attention but jaebum loved it.

seeing her feeling embarrassed made jaebum smirk, "you're the one who told me that we're talking now."

"s-shut up." y/n hit his chest before remembering the jaehyun was also there, "o-oh, jaebum this is jaehyun, jaehyun this is jaebum."

the brown haired boy nodded his head with his lips pressed together. he could feel jaebum's gaze on him. how could his emotions go from happy to stone cold so quickly? jaehyun wondered about jaebum.

"please be nice to him, okay?"
y/n turned to jaehyun and gave him an encouraging smile, "i'll come get you so we can go to maths together."

once y/n had left, the two boys were left with an awkward silence, neither of them knowing what to say.

"a-are you two-" before jaehyun could even finish the question, jaebum walked off to someone he could only assume was his friend.

at lunch, everyone was at the table except for y/n since she was sat with jaebum. looking over in her direction, jaehyun took notice of the hoodie she was wearing, jaebum was wearing it earlier but obviously he gave it to y/n. it was a little cold today.

"hey, is y/n dating that guy she's sat with?" jaehyun asked as he pointed over in their direction.

lisa shook her head whereas ten nodded. the blonde haired girl sent a quick glare to ten before slapping his shoulder, making ten wince in pain. "he is just interested in her."

ten was quick to chime in, "yeah but look y/n has never been like this with a guy before." he didn't mention how he knew that y/n liked him, she might not know it but ten could feel it, 'best friend instinct,' is what he would of called it.

"she already has a crush on someone," lisa argued back as she ate her lunch. unlike ten, she didn't like jaebum, he was a bad influence and y/n didn't need someone like him in her life.

just when johnny was going to make a comment, y/n sat down next to jaehyun, asking what they were all talking about.

everyone replied with the same thing, "nothing!"

weird, y/n thought.

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