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y/n walked into work with a smile on her face. everything had been going perfect for her. she got jake dressed and ready to be taken to her mum's house with ease. maybe a little fuss but it was a whole lot better than it would have been most mornings.

it felt like today was her day.

"what's got you so happy?" jimin asked as he walked out of the break room with his coffee in hand.

y/n shrugged before taking the mug out of her friend's hand, leaving him gaping. "it just feels like it's going to be a good day." she gave him one more dazzling smile, which made jimin instantly forgive her.

walking into her office, y/n was startled when she saw that there was someone inside. she was even more confused, wondering who it was. no one would ever go into her office without her knowledge or permission. the back silhouette of a man came into her view.

"excuse me," y/n spoke politely as she shut the door behind her.

the figure turned around, startled that someone had caught him admiring the picture frame that he had found on the desk.

"hi y/n." christian gave her a smile. the same smile he would have given her when she sat next to him on the bus home, back in paris.

the scorching hot mug fell from y/n's grip. her mind went blank as she studied the man in front of her. she didn't react when the object had spilled its hot contents all over her feet, burning the skin and ruining her heels.

no words fell from y/n's mouth that was gaped open. she was shocked that the man stood before her, in all his glory, was, in fact, real.

it left her rendering and speechless.

"i want to meet my son... i'm ready to be his father," christian said so fluently that if y/n hadn't been in such a daze, she would have thought he had rehearsed the lines. if the atmosphere in the room hadn't dropped already, it did in the moment christian brought jake up. immediately, the mention of her son snapped y/n out of her daze.



"he's my son."

"what happened in paris... i-i was scared-"

the shock, that y/n contained within her, quickly morphed into sadden anger. "you don't get to be scared christian, not when you walked away as soon as possible, and only left a goddamn fucking letter. i was the one who carried that baby in me for nine months, with no one to lean on, no one, christian..., because you left. you left me all alone in my apartment after telling me how much you loved me." 

that was her only opportunity. to let out all the feelings she had been kept mustered and bottled up within her for four years. at some point, y/n had begun crying, her emotions getting the better of her.

"that boy is my baby," y/n added, trying her best to stand her ground, "i get to decide what's best for him."

y/n paused to take a deep breath. "he will never know you exist. never. because he... he deserves a father that wants to be in his life, no matter how scary it seems."

"but i want to now, i'm ready to take responsibility for my-"

looking up at him, y/n heard sincerity in his voice but couldn't see it in his eyes. "please leave," her voice trembled as she pointed to the door behind her, wanting nothing more than for the man in front of her to disappear from her sight, her life.

christian let her words sink into him. he felt extremely guilty, he didn't want to cause her more pain than he already did but what could he do?


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