t w e n t y e i g h t

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as months progressed, things fell into a nice routine. spring had finally come around with the sunshine, even though the weather still had its bad days. in that time, y/n and jaebum grew closer together, emotionally, and well maybe physically.

earlier in the morning, y/n had received a thick brown packet in the mail from the university she wished to attend in paris. she had passed her dance evaluation and the interview, all that was left was to see if she had gotten accepted. it was all that was on her mind and the upcoming exams, that were soon, put her into a lot of stress. it was to the point her body couldn't keep up with her and missed her period, as well as snapping at jaebum for the smallest things.

feeling curious, y/n opened the packet, there were two pieces of paper and a big booklet. once y/n had spotted the logo for the university she wanted to go to, she immediately put the letter down. when she called for her mum, she began to get nervous.

waiting impatiently, y/n was bouncing her foot at a god forbidden speed as she watched her mum read the letter.

"it's bad, isn't it?" y/n said. she felt like throwing up.

her mum let out a quick shriek before she started jumping up and down out of joy. "you're going to paris!" y/n completely shut down when she heard the words her mum had exclaimed. her mind couldn't seem to process them.

"i'm going to paris..."

at school, chittaphon and lisa couldn't wait to express their happiness for their best friend. they were planning on holding a surprise, thanks to the idea from miyoung, later with all of their close friends at y/n's house. even kai, who's schedule now packed because he had debuted as an idol, was going to come. the only person that they couldn't reach was jaebum.

"can you tell your boyfriend to answer my texts please?" tem asked when he sat down at their regular for lunch with y/n.

she frowned slightly. "he hasn't replied to mine either, i don't think he's even in school today." y/n knew something was wrong when she saw that jaebum wasn't in school.

throughout the whole of lunch, her eyes would drift over to where jaebum would normally sit. there was an empty space just for him. when lunch had ended, y/n asked mark about her boyfriend's whereabouts.

"he told me he had some stuff to do with his parents, you know how he gets about that." mark said, he was worried for jaebum too, but he didn't want to cause y/n any panic.

y/n nodded her head in understanding. "but still, he always texts me in the morning, even when we had fights."

"you're thinking too much, y/n, i'm sure your jaebummie is okay," mark smiled reassuringly to y/n before ruffling her hair, "also congrats on the scholarship!"

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