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y/n let herself be engulfed by the strong scent that she had become accustomed to. it filled her up with a warm feeling.

"you know, i can't believe one day it's going to be me, you and mini chris."

"i like that, mini chris," y/n turned onto her side and stared at the face she had already engraved into her mind, to never forget about how handsome he'd look with a face that wasn't bruised up. it was a rare and beautiful sight, to see the man she loved so dearly not holding any reminisce of his job.

"and then, we can have a mini y/n, who'll be a dancer whilst mini chris boxes like his dad," christian pretended to not notice the slight waver in y/n's smile at the mention of boxing.

"i love you, y/n."

but the fear of a child overruled his wavering heart.

waking up with the urge of being sick, y/n woke to her bed empty and her room being more messy than it usually was. on her way to try and find where her boyfriend had gone, her heart hammered in her chest. she called his name but had no answer come back to her.

it was four in the morning.

and y/n found the letter.

he left her.

suddenly, y/n woke up with her bashing against her ribcage, in nervousness. her skin was slick with sweat.

"you okay?" yoongi asked with worry laced in his voice.

y/n nodded her head, even though it was a complete lie. she wasn't okay. and all she wanted was to be at home.

luckily for her, the car had pulled up outside her apartment complex. relief filled her and calmed her pulsing heartbeat when she noticed that jake and yugyeom where stood outside with jaebum. quickly, y/n bid her boss a blunt farewell before hurrying over to the over side of the road.

still sat in the car, yoongi was left shocked. y/n was never like that with him. he still didn't know what he had done. but instead of driving off, back to his own home, yoongi asked the driver to stop for a minute when he noticed im jaebum stood with y/n. even whilst he was across on the other side of the road, yoongi could still see the smile that y/n have jaebum. the pure fact that she would smile around him so freely angered him. y/n was his and he wasn't going to let someone else take her from him again.

but yoongi's anger only worsened when he saw jaebum kiss y/n the cheek.

"this fucker doesn't stop, does he?" yoongi said through gritted teeth as he clenched his jaw as tightly as he could go try and suppress his anger. he told the driver to drive off before he did something he'd regret.

however, yoongi was still able to witness how y/n had to get onto the top of her toes to give jaebum a kiss that left him blushing.

yoongi scoffed. "if i can't have her, neither can her." the man made a decision out of pure aggression.

"find christian and bring him to korea."

i'm sorry it's really short
also christian is christian yu bc he's fit as fuck

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