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jaebum went into work with a happy mind. it scared all of his workers because they had never seen him genuinely happy before. he even greeted the secretaries that were down the hall of his office. once jaebum had stepped foot into his office, his mood soured instantly.

"what are you doing here?" he asked in a voice colder than ice.

sujin flinched at his tone, even though he always spoke to her like that. "did you have fun on your date yesterday?" when jaebum just continued to glare at sujin, she just coughed in awkwardness and lowered her gaze like a coward. "i'm here because i know you don't have any meetings and i want you to take me out on a date."

"stop using your sister to get information about me and my schedule." jaebum said as he walked past the blonde haired woman and took his rightful seat, behind his desk. "whilst you're here, i want to tell you something about our relationship."

the happiness on sujin's face was evident as she quickly became excited by jaebum's words.

"i am ending it," he spoke without sparing a glance at the woman stood trying not to crumble before him, his attention completely fixed on his phone.

"there is someone i am interested in and i would like to be honest with her."

"but-" sujin knew that jaebum had no feelings for her. he didn't even like her that much but that didn't stop her from liking him.

"get out of my office."

in her office, y/n was smiling at the note that was attached to the bouquet of roses she found on her desk. the romantic gesture made her heart swell.

y/n l/n
i got your flowers

ceo jaebum
do you like them?

y/n l/n
they're gorgeous, thank you for them

ceo jaebum
you can thank me by seeing me

y/n l/n
have you always been this flirty

y/n l/n
i'm taking jake to the aquarium this
sunday you can come, if you
want to

ceo jaebum
i'll come

ceo jaebum
but only because jacob is really

y/n let out a small chuckle. little did she know that someone was stood in her doorway wondering why she was smiling so fondly at her phone.

"what's got you so smiley?" yoongi asked as he walked into the work space, hands in his pockets.

y/n blushed when she realised that she had been too caught up with the thought of jaebum. "oh nothing, just a picture of jake my mum sent me." yoongi wasn't someone y/n would lie to but something told her that she shouldn't mention jaebum to him, not just yet.

"can i see? i miss the little man." yoongi tried to peer over y/n's desk to look at her phone but she turned it off almost immediately.

abruptly, y/n stood up, not even startling yoongi in the process. "i think i left something with jimin, i'll be back in a sec." she gave yoongi a nervous smile before leaving as quickly as possible.

yoongi thought about it for a moment, her behaviour was odd. he was about to leave when y/n's phone, which she had forgotten to take with her, buzzed.

ceo jaebum
and maybe because you're
pretty too

jaebum? im jaebum? he began to get angry as he kept reading the text over and over, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, as if his eyes were deceiving him. he was the reason why y/n was in such a good mood.

"that fucker, is he asking for a war?" yoongi muttered to himself. the anger in him boiled his blood. it didn't help that he found the card that y/n was holding.

i hope you still like roses
- ljm
ps keep my scarf so you can keep warm it's getting a lot colder

still?! what does he mean by 'still'? did they know each other? yoongi thought to himself. there was no way that they did, right? it's just too much of a coincidence for him. and the scarf. that was the same scarf he complimented her about earlier in the morning, the compliment that made her blush like a school girl.

so she wasn't flustered because of me but because of jaebum.

that wasn't what alarmed yoongi the most. this had happened before. the same thing had happened back in paris with christian, when yoongi realised his feelings too late.

the smile she just had, reminded yoongi of the smile she'd give to christian whenever he'd come to see her, however this time there was more warmth and softness in her eyes. yoongi wanted her to smile at him like that.

sorry my guys i just had to change a character name bc my dumbass is stupid

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