twenty seven

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364 days later

i'm coming over soon, need

can you buy jake's favourite
ice cream pls?

i promised him that he could
have some bc he did good at
football training

you know you need to stop
scolding him when he eats
sweets that YOU give him

shut up and get here

it wasn't long till mark came knocking on the door, ice-cream in hand. he would of arrived sooner if it wasn't for his quick detour down to the supermarket to collect the ice-cream. when the door opened, mark smiled down at the little boy who opened it.

"that's my ice-cream, right?" jacob asked as he followed the older man into the kitchen. he was quick to sit himself up on the island table, feet swinging in front of him. mark nodded at him as he grabbed a bowl from one of the cabinets and scooped out some of the cold dessert for jacob.

"how was school this week?" mark asked as he handed the bowl over to jacob before clearing everything away. it was a saturday, the allocated day that mark would come around with work for y/n to do as he looked after the kids.

"a girl said she likes me!"

mark chuckled at the excitement on jacob's face. "and what did you say back?"

the excitement slowly dropped from the young boy's face as he began to frown. "i just ran away."

"hey, it's okay," mark patted jake's shoulder in hopes of cheering him up, "your mum always runs away from me, too bad for her i'm a fast runner." mark gave jake a wink as they both continued to chat in the kitchen. once jake had finished with his ice-cream, they both made their way into the living room.

mark went into y/n's bedroom to find her cradling her sleeping baby in her arms. he rested against the door frame to soak in the soft, gentle image. "you want me to take over?" he asked quietly, afraid that his voice might wake the baby up.

y/n shot him an apologetic smile. "please, i haven't had time to shower yet," y/n explained as she handed her three-month old daughter to mark. "you're a life saver, thank you!" y/n quickly left her bedroom with a towel and new change of clothes in hand, rushing to the bathroom as fast as she could.

the baby began to stir in mark's arms, causing him to panic slightly. "shush, chunhwa, it's okay, she'll be back soon," he whisper gently as he patted her tiny back with his fingers. mark was proud that he was able to lull the newborn to sleep, a warm feeling settling in his stomach.

after a few minutes, y/n came out as she patted her hair down with her towel. mark had sat down at the edge of her bed, chunhwa still in his arms. due to his taller frame, he made the tiny baby seem even smaller. y/n took a seat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"you okay?" mark asked as he gave her hand a little squeeze before returning it to its original place.

"i'm tired."

"let me put chunhwa in her basket and you can sleep, yeah?" mark suggested, he raised from his position and placed the baby in the moses basket that was fairly distant away from the bed.

as soon as y/n lead down on her bed so did mark, laying faced to her. mark wondered if she felt comfortable in his presence as he was in hers. he liked her. he knew it was wrong but mark wanted to be selfish for once.

"y/n?" his voice deep yet soft.

y/n let out a hum in reply as she felt his fingers caress the side of her face, something she had been accustomed to.

"let me take care of you," mark confessed sincerely with his heart racing a million miles, "i want you to depend on me."


"can you forget him, please?" he began to get upset at the thought of betraying his deceased best friend, but mark no longer cared. "we can move to la or paris or anywhere you want... just, run away with me."

y/n felt his other arm wrap around her, as if she was going to escape. "you don't want me, mark."

"yes i do." mark breathed out as he buried his head in the crook of her shoulder, hiding himself from her.

"my life is a mess," y/n held onto the material of his shirt, gripping it between her fingers, "none of my kids know their real father's, what does that make me? i'm a shitty mum who can't get her life together... you don't deserve that."

"why can't you let me love you?" mark asked as he lifted his head, only to rest it against her forehead. he could feel her breath fam across his skin. maybe this would be the last time he'd see her. "don't i deserve to be loved, y/n? i want my chance at happiness too."


"can you at least give me a chance?" mark asked with a solemn voice.


after y/n had fallen asleep, mark made sure that chunhwa was okay. he found her still asleep in her basket. the small girl pulled at his heartstrings, she was too pure for such a horrid world. mark gave her cheek a kiss, as his last goodbye, he was surprised when she stirred slightly but became peaceful again within a few seconds. he left the bedroom as quickly and quietly as possible. his heart felt heavy.

when he was sat in his car, mark let his tears roll down his cheeks, the feeling of heartbreak becoming overwhelming. "so this is what a breakup is like, huh?" he laughed at himself for being pathetic. a part of him knew that y/n wouldn't accept him but he held onto the hope that, maybe, just maybe, she would choose him.

the ringing of his phone brought him back to reality. mark quickly wiped at his tears as he clear his throat. "hello?"

mark was met with jackson's voice. "h-he's back!"

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