t h i r t y t h r e e

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jaebum lent against a wall waiting for y/n to come out of the exam hall. everyone had left already so jaebum wondered what was taking y/n so long. just when jaebum was going to call her to see if she was okay, y/n walked over to him, carrying a bag in her hand that wasn't her normal school bad but one jaebum had bought her because he wanted to.

"hey i was just about to call you," jaebum smiled nervously as he went to hug y/n. after his father had come home, jaebum was scared that his dad had done something to y/n but he wasn't too sure from the way she was acting.

the feeling of having jaebum's arms wrapped around her used to give y/n a feeling of comfort and security but now she just felt the sadness that had been bottled up for the past weekend. it was surprising that the streaks of tears didn't permanently stay on her face from the amount of tears she shed. she wanted to forgive jaebum. she really did. but he lied to her from the beginning of their relationship when all she did was give him every piece of her.

"we need to talk, jaebum."

"you sound so serious, like you're going to break up with me," jaebum chuckled but stopped quickly when he saw that y/n was biting down on her lip and wasn't meeting his eyes, things she did when she was nervous.

"i think we should stop this." y/n said finally looking up at jaebum's face, which she wished she hadn't. she took a deep breath. "we should break up."

"here are all your hoodies and all the meaningless shit you bought me," y/n shoved the bag she was holding into jaebum's chest, he was still trying to process what y/n had said. "i hope you won that stupid bet of yours."

the word 'bet' struck into jaebum's mind and snapped him out of the daze he was in and brought him to a nightmare. he dropped the bag and quickly grabbed onto y/n's wrist as she turned to walk away. y/n tried pulling away from him but jaebum just tightened his grip on her.

"let me go!"

"i can explain everything, please, just listen to me."

"i don't want to hear it!" y/n cried, the pained look on her face said a thousand words, "i really don't want to hear it, jaebum."

"y/n, you know how much you mean to me, please," his voice had cracked as tears began to well up in his eyes. jaebum loosened his grip on y/n before letting go of her completely. if she left, then he was all alone with no one to make him feel worthy of life.

he'd have no one to love, again.

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