Chapter 3: Gym Fight

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{Phoenix's POV}

    I walk into the girl's locker room, rolling my eyes at the sound of gossip.  Right now it's 4th period, gym.  Ignoring the shouts of 'I need to borrow deodorant!' and 'Anybody have an extra shirt?', I quickly put in my locker combo and throw my books into the locker before changing into my gym clothes. 

     I quickly finish changing and walk out into the gym.  When I get out here, I see Mike, Vincent, Scott and Fritz surrounding Jeremy, whose a stuttering mess.  This is...strange.  The rest of the class just left to go outside.  So why aren't these four outside as well?

  I wonder what's going on? Well, whatever it is, it can't be good, I say to myself.  Slowly walking over, I hear part of the conversation.

"-don't know what you're talking about!" That was Mike.

"I d-do know that y-you're full of bologna!" Jeremy shoots back, being partially defensive for once.  I bite back a sigh, knowing he just added gasoline to the fire.

     Jeremy, why? Why did you open your mouth?

     Mike nods to Fritz, and the ginger shoves Jeremy harshly into the wall.  I can see the fear in both of their eyes, and sense the fear in their auras.  Hold the freaking phone!  I'm not gonna watch my best friend get pushed around by some idiots! 

     Normally, I avoid violence at all costs, but this time, I'm not gonna be watching from the sidelines.  Not when my friend is being hurt! (Well, he's really my only friend but we're not gonna say that right now...)

     I break myself out of my daze and run up to Fritz, mustering my strength and slapping him across the face hard enough to momentarily stun him.  The sound echoes through the gym as I put a barrier around the ginger to keep him in one spot.

     I'm not really gonna hurt Fritz much because of the fact that I know Mike is forcing him to do the things he does.  And like pretty much everyone else, Fritz's scared of what Mike can do.

   When the sound of whimpers and small thuds finally register in my head, I turn around.  When I do, I see Vincent and Scott kicking Jeremy.  Scott seems to be hesitant, while Vincent is just seeming to enjoy it.  And then there's Mike, watching the entire thing with a smug, shit-eating grin on his face.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I shout at them, my voice echoing slightly.

     Mike turns and smirks at me. "Hey, murderer! I heard rumors that you were back, but I didn't dare hope it was true!"

"Did you hear me? I said, leave. Jeremy. Alone. Or. Else!" I repeat, becoming slightly more ticked off.  Where is this sudden confidence coming from?

"Or else what? Are you gonna sing us to sleep, or, maybe, tickle us to death?  You're about as threatening as a goldfish.  And you look like a newborn kitten!"

  My. Freaking. Lord.  I hate my family. I start to march toward Mike with my magic being readied, but he says "Scott. You know what to do."

      Oh, so he calls on Scott, another one that's also scared into obedience!  I know that Mike and Scott have known each other for a long time, but I don't know for how long exactly.  All I know is that Scottie is also scared of Mike, and doesn't exactly like the violence.

      Scott nods to Mike and charges me. Bad move on his part.  I raise my hand out in front of me, and I release a short burst of magick that sends Scotty-boy flying into the wall, stunned.  Again, I put a bartier around him to keep him down, even though it drains me faster.

      I look at the two that are left. "Anyone else?" I question them, raising one of my eyebrows.  Seriously, where the hell did this sudden confidence come from?!

     Vincent gives Jeremy one last kick and turns to me.
     I blink and I'm against the wall, Vincent's hand on my throat. Damn him and his stupid abilities. He smiles cruelly, and I notice that his skin now has a purple-ish tint to it.

"After I squish you, I'll kill your boyfriend!"

     That's it. Grape just crossed the line.

     Jeremy isn't my boyfriend.  He's my best friend, pretty much my brother at this point.  This is a fucking joke.  I can easily kill Vincent. But I won't stoop that low.  I won't become what my father is.

     I know that I'm going to go Nightmare extremely soon because Grape's face now has a purply-red hue to it, thanks to my glowing red eye.  (Yes, I said eye. As in, only one. The reason why is because in my Nightmare form, my left eye is magenta, while my right one is red.

  Very rarely, both eyes glow red. For that to happen, I have to be pissed to the point of near insanity. Yeah, if that happens, I have almost no control what-so-ever, so if that ever happens, the people around me are screwed, but the one that I'm after is completely fucked. I would probably send them to hell. Yeah, I can control where the person goes if I kill them. Anyway! Back to the story!)

     I grab his wrist and he raises an eyebrow, pretty much the signal saying 'think you can win? Go ahead and try. Amuse me, bitch.'

     I move so quick, he never sees or expects it coming. 'You're not the only one with special speed magick, ya dumb Grape!' I think to my self as I flip him onto his back.  I pin him down, a knee on his stomach, and my arm on his neck.  I feel him gulp nervously.  Ew.

"You, Vincent, are a fucking retarded purple Grape. But remember, Vincent Schmidt, that even though I am your little cousin, I will never, ever, let you win!" I growl, venom practically dripping from the words that I throw at him. I knee him in the gut, hard. Hard enough to keep him down, but not hard enough to cause internal bleeding.  Then I get up and turn to Arsehole, also known as Mike, Vincent's big brother (though only by 7 minutes)............


Yay! Here we go!  I'm planning on posting a new chapter every day, which should leave me with just enough time to work on the holiday chapters!  Hope you enjoyed!  Ciao for now, Spirits!



(December 2, 2018)

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