Chapter 26: New victim...

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[Picture above drawn by me!  But no matter what I do, it's upside down...sorry!  Oh, and it's of something that happens later in the chapter...]

Jeremy's POV

     My eyes flutter open, and I just barely catch a glimpse of someone jumping out of the tree house.  Who the heck...Why is there screaming?  Standing up, I walk over to the window and look down, only to see Phoenix fighting with...William.

     She's fighting him, for me?  Wait, does that mean he's trying to come after me?!  What the hell?!

     It takes a few minutes, but William runs off, and Phoenix climbs back up.  We stare at each other, but say nothing.

[Time skip! It's winter break!]
Phoenix's POV

     I'm walking down the street in my hoodie and jeans, the cold somehow not bothering me today.  I look up at the overcast sky, sighing.  Its been strange.  I've had a bad feeling the entire morning, but it's just getting stronger. 

     I bump into someone, and look up.  My eyes widen.

"O-oh!  Sorry, Cici!"  I stutter out.  She smiles.

"Oh, Hi Phoenix!  It's okay, don't worry about it!"

     I nod, and kind of just stand there looking at the slushy ground.  Suddenly footsteps approach is. 

"Hey, Cici!  Oh, Phoenix! Hi! I didn't think we'd see you out here!"

     Looking up, I see that it's Ben that's talking to me, and the other three boys are walking towards us.  I smile softly, still not used to interacting with others.  "Hi."

     They somehow manage to convince me to walk around town with them, but I'm not going to complain today.  It's nice out, even if it's snowing lightly.  They drag me into one of the shops, and I wait by the front, Flynn and Gavin staying near me.

     I pull out my phone to text Jeremy, but something catches my attention faster than the fazbear franchise.  My head snaps up to the TV that's in the corner of the area, and it's playing the news. 

"Early this morning, two teens found a dead body.  They said they had been out for a walk and noticed the scent of blood; being hybrids they have a better sense of smell than normal humans.  The older of the two ventured into the small alleyway, and found the corpse of a dead child.

"The child has been identified as Marcus Thow, aged 7.  We do not have any evidence of who killed the young boy, but some older patrons are suspicious of it being the killer from over a decade ago.  Another thing is that is was found within a mile's radius of the current location..."

     They show a disturbing image of the child, and my stomach twists.  Flynn and Gavin are also staring at the screen as well, and it takes me several seconds before I realize that the others are behind us.  I take a step back, and look at them.

"I need to go.  Follow if you want..." I say before bolting out of the shop.  Surprisingly, the others do follow me out.  I swerve through the people outside, my boots grabbing at what little ground they can through the slush for traction.  I don't care Who says I can't, I am going to find this area. 

     I'm aware that Gavin is somehow keeping pace with me, even through the maneuvers I pull.  I activate my magicks, sensing anywhere in the immediate area for death, other than the restaurant.  I find one spot, and my eyes narrow.

     A burst of adrenaline flows through me and I skid to a stop next to the yellow police tape.  It's becoming dusk, the sun beginning to set.  I pause as the others catch up with me.  I glance back at them and duck under the tape.  I slowly creep toward the body, which for some odd reason hasn't been taken form the scene yet.

     I crouch down next to the corpse, and take note of the wounds.  It seems like the neck is bruised, and there are several slash marks.  The only thing that really stands out to me is the spots in which the wounds are placed. 

     All deliberate, no lazy work.  I'm faintly aware that the others are behind me.  But every cut is carefully made, placed near arteries, but not cutting them.  And the bruise on the neck, the placement and angle of it...

This is my father's doing. 

     Freddy places his hand on my shoulder, and I look up at him with wide eyes. 

"Phoenix, why did you come here, and why were you okay with us coming along?" he asks.  I take a shaky breath.

"Because I needed to get a better look at the corpse.  This isn't armature. This is only part of what my father is capable of...I have nothing to hide."

     A noise on our right makes everyone turn, and Gavin is the first to say anything. 

"Holy shit..."

     In front of us is the spirit of the child.  I stand up and slowly walk over to him.  He backs away, eyeing me cautiously.

"Hey, it's okay, I won't hurt you.  I'm not like him.  You don't have to be afraid..." I whisper, sticking my hand out slowly, holding it out for him to grab.  But he only backs up further, scared.  I sigh, and sit down on the blood covered ground.

     The others sit behind me, but Cici sits next to me.  I notice that the child is shaking, his eyes wide and untrusting.  The exact same way I looked, how Jack and Mari looked, how the shadows looked...Before I even realize what's happening, a memory triggers from a time with Jack and Mari, and I'm singing softly, still holding out my hand.

"Taken way to soon, I'm not at all what used to be.  Shifting in a box, the past is nothing more than just a dream.  I can hear the call of evil growing once again...I'm powerless to change your fates, but in the end I'll shelter you, my friends.  Tonight we roam, and if they listen really close, they can hear us sing our song.  While I can't give you back the things you had, you don't have to do this on your own.  Even if your never going home, you're not alone, you're not alone..."

     My friends are staring at me in surprise, but the child finally creeps forward.  They grab my hand, and I smile.  Standing up, I look down at him. 

"Its okay, we just want to help you..."

     The boy smiles and I turn to my friends.  "Anyone up for some pizza?  I'll pay!"

Gavin's POV

     I'm surprised that she even managed to get the kid to trust her.  He's still terrified, even as we're walking to the pizzeria.  He glances back at me, and I grin, my eyes flashing their normal colors instead of grey and his own eyes widen.  He drifts closer to Phoenix, and Fred flicks the back of my head.

     I stick my tongue out at him, and we continue walking.  I wonder what her plan is, and I'm curious as to why she's going to bring him to the pizzeria in the first place.  But why does he trust her...?

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