Chapter 4: Nurse's Office

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{Phoenix's POV}

     I turn to face Mike.  Looking at him, and the way his stance is, you'd guess he was ready for anything.  But not me.  I can read people like books.  I see that he's more tense than when he's normally fighting, the slight glint of nervousness in his eyes, and the slight hitch in his breath.  His aura is hazy with caution, and I can sense his adrenaline levels are higher than normal.  Ya know what? I'm not gonna waste anymore time or risk getting in trouble.  Screw the fighting idea.

"Get your sorry ass and it's shitty little friends out of here," I tell him, with yet another short burst of confidence.  He sighs and teleports all of the Night Watchers to the Nurse's Office.

     I feel my adrenaline and boost of energy fade as I slowly slide down the wall.  Glancing around the gym, I spot Jeremy.  He's curled up in a fetal position, unconscious.  Oh, fluffing gods.  Screw it, I need to help him. 

     Forcing myself upright, I stumble over to Jeremy, and crouch down next to him.  Placing my hand on his neck to check his pulse, I let out a small sigh of relief.  Good.  He's still alive.  But...wait, what?  Why is his heartbeat so slow?

     Slightly panicking now, I check again to make sure that I felt his heartbeat correctly.  And I did.  Damn it!

     Yes, I know that when you're asleep or unconscious your heart slows down naturally, but Jeremy's heart is going slower than it should.  And this is what makes me concerned, because the "Night Watchers" or whatever they call themselves shouldn't have been able to do this type of damage without any Magicks involved.

     I move my hand to his chest and concentrate.  I can only heal his worst injuries, which are his broken ribs, internal bleeding, and his broken ankle.  If I try to heal more than that, I run the risk of passing out (even though that's a risk anyway).  I slowly start to heal him, keeping lookout for any more injuries. And, of course, he does. He sprained his wrist, and has some decent scratches hidden by his hair. Great.

     I focus harder and use more energy to heal these before we go home.  After I'm done healing him, he gives a soft cough and his eyes flutter open.


"Yeah, Jere. It's me.  Come on, let's get you up," I say, pulling him to his feet, ignoring the protests my body's screaming at me.

     The rest of the class comes in from outside.  The teacher,  Mr. Johnson comes over to us.

"Skipping class, are we?" he questions, looking a little too eager to get us in trouble.

"No, sir.  Jeremy was getting beaten up by-" I finally feel the exhaustion wash over my as my voice cuts off, and my legs giving out.  Before I can fall very far, Jeremy catches me and somehow stays standing.

"Bring her to the nurse," Mr. Johnson orders Jeremy, seeing that something actually did happen to us.  As we stumble in, we watch the Night Watchers glare at us as they walk out.

"What happened?" is the thing the nurse says immediately to us. 

"Got into a fight and drainage from magick overuse," I mumble, feeling slightly lightheaded.  Jeremy and I are nearly on the cot when I black out. Great second day! (Note the sarcasm)

{Jeremy's POV(FINALLY!)}

     As soon as we get to the cot, Phoenix passes out.  The nurse comes over and mutters something under her breath.  Then she goes to her desk and picks up the phone

"Yes? Ah, hello, Mr. Fiztgerald.  Your son, Jeremy was in a fight. He will need to be picked up." 

     At these words, my heart almost stops. No. Please, no.  Then the nurse calls Phe's dad.

     After the phone calls, the nurse comes over and tells us -- well, me, because Phe is currently passed out -- that it was confirmed by both of our parents that we were being picked up.

"W-wait, what?! W-why do we n-need to go home?!" I ask in a slightly panicked tone.

     Smiling nicely, the nurse says, "Sweety, you and your friend are covered in cuts and blood.  You can't stay in school."

     I sigh. No point in arguing.

[Temskip half an hour, deal with it]

     My dad and Phe's dad walk in at the same time.  I shake her and she mumbles something like 'leave me alone'.  I just say "P-Phe, get up.  N-Nutella."

     Finally her eyes flutter open and she sits up.  Rubbing her left eye, she spots our parents.  They wouldn't have heard her, but Phe makes an almost soundless whimper of fear, and I can see the panic in her eyes.

     My dad is glaring daggers at me, so I shakily get to my feet and I walk over.  I turn around and see Phoenix still sitting down.

"Ph-Phoenix, come on. We have to go," I tell her. 

     She just shakes her head and pulls her knees to her chest, curling into a protective ball, trying to shield herself from the two monsters across the room.

  Yay! Chapter!  Ciao, Spirits!



(December 4, 2018)

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