Chapter 29

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[Timeskip to the next day]

Chica's POV

     We wake up like normal, but realize that Phoenix is missing from our little cuddle pile.  Freddy, Bonnie and I look around, and Foxy points to something something in his cove.  We all walk over and see that it's all different presents, each one wrapped in some sort of paper that matches our suits.  And next to the gifts is Phoenix, half curled up and asleep.  

     Not gonna lie, but she looks cute when she's asleep!  There isn't the fear that you see on her face when she's awake, and just seems so much more peaceful!  Freddy laughs and crouches down, shaking her gently to try and wake her up.  And surprisingly, it works on her! 

     Her eyes flutter open, and she seems to be confused before her eyes focus.  Then she smiles. 

"Oh!  M-morning you guys!" 

"Why were you asleep on the floor?" Bonnie asks her.  She smiles sheepishly.  

"W-well...I kinda tried forcing myself to stay awake and wrap the presents that I have for all of you guys, but I gave up around 05:00." 

"Okay...wait, it's Christmas!" Foxy shouts excitedly, making us laugh.  

"Yeah!  So how about you guy open the gifts?" 

3rd person POV 

     The animatronics and human all sit down, and Phoenix passes the gifts to each of them, each having matching colors to the suit that each spirit inhabits.  

     Bonnie opens his first, and his eyes widen when he sees the old finger-less gloves alongside some new ones that would actually fit his hands now, as well as a violet hoodie.  He looks over to Phoenix, pure surprise on his face.  She smiles and says, "Put them on!  I wanna see if they'll fit you!"  Bonnie laughs and puts on the new gloves, surprised that they actually fit him.  The others seemed surprised at the gift, and quickly open theirs. 

     Chica opens hers, grinning when she sees her old half of the friendship necklace on a new chain, alongside a new friendship bracelet that has a cupcake charm on it and a yellow hoodie.  She quickly puts both pieces of jewelry on, trying to hold back happy tears. 

     Freddy opens his next, ears twitching when he sees a new scarf and brown hoodie like the ones that he had on during that fateful day. 

     Foxy rips open his and finds the pirate flag that William had used to lure him into the back room, only realizing now that it had Phoenix's initials on the back, so faded they were barely there.  But they where crossed out and had his own written above them.  Under the flag was a red hoodie.

     When Golden actually opens his gift, he feels his heart twist.  There was a new navy colored bow tie, a navy colored scarf, and a yellow hoodie with metallic thread here and there, making it seem like it was actually a gold hoodie. 

     All of the animatronics turn to Phoenix, who seems nervous about their reactions to the gifts.  Then they all pretty much tackle her in a group hug, thanking her and laughing.  She smiles and begins laughing as well, her old self seeming to be restored temporarily as the group of friends hug each other.  And though none of them really wanted to admit it, this was the best Christmas they've had in a long time. 

[Timeskip to dusk] 

    After a day full of mostly screwing around, laughter, and playing games,  the energy of the friends was starting to burn out.  They had all gathered up on the stage, telling stories and jokes.  That fun pauses when Phoenix starts feeling lightheaded. 

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