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Heyo everyone!  I've decided to do a q&a here as you can see!  You can ask any question you want about this book!  I'm keeping this chapter even after the revised version is published so you can still ask any questions you may have about this book.  I'm really hoping some of you ask questions, because there's some things I would like to actually answer!  

  Here's some of the questions you can ask! (Examples, you don't need to actually ask what I'm listing) 

1- Is ___ able to speak multiple languages? 

2- How old is ___? 

3- How tall is ___? 

4- What does ___ look like? (Human form or just human character)

5- How much money does ___ have to their name? 

6- Why did you write this book/what inspired you?

I could list a lot more, but ask any questions you have!  That or just add a name to one that I have listed for examples.  But yeah, ask away and give me something that you guys want to know!

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