Chapter 25: Flashbacks?

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Mike's POV

I stand in the office, waiting for the dweeb to show his face. It's almost midnight when I remember that he won't be coming today. He's sick, and almost threw up in the hallway earlier. Great, I have to deal with these furry-fuckers by myself tonight.

I sit down and turn on the cameras, as soon as it hits midnight. I turn it to the stage, but the animatronics are just staring in one direction. I flip to a different camera, and I see a different animatronic standing in front of the Captain, and he's staring back at it.

The new animatronic then turns toward the camera and tilts it's head. The camera cuts to static and I hear something running down the hall. I can't get to the button in time, but someone slides into the room, panting.

I stare at them, and realize it's my cousin. She's leaning on the wall and panting. How the hell did she get here without being attacked?! And why is she shaking?

She looks at me. "Because I just ran from a fox and several pissed animatronics."

Oh, I forgot that she can read minds. Wait, why the hell is she here though?! My cousin doesn't answer this time but sits on the desk and takes her hood down. I see that she has her animal ears out, and roll my eyes. Why does she do this?

After a while, I notice that none of the animatronics have come into the office, or really even moved. Phoenix is falling asleep...

Phoenix's POV

I feel my eyes slide shut, and I let them. I won't fight the rest that I need. But I know it will only bring nightmares. It always does.

You know...I used to think of sleep as an escape, a way to break free from the pain of the real world. But...that doesn't work anymore. The pain, the torment, and memories always find a way to follow me. I can never escape. I'm not supposed to.

My entire field of vision is dark, just like the nightmares. But that feeling I had's grown stronger. I struggle against it at first, but then just allow it to take over. I can't keep it down forever.

Color comes into my vision, forming a video, almost. I see familiar clothing, but the faces are all blurred. I hear them introducing themselves, but I can't make out anything.

The scene changes, and there's shouting, loud shouting in a quick tone. The words are clipped, but I can understand them. Their meaning...I can understand completely. But I can't remember the context, not fully.

"David, you can't just do that! They're children!" an adult woman's voice shouts. One that I haven't heard since...I don't even know. I can't remember the last time I heard that voice outside of a memory.

"Nalah, I don't care! These brats are the reason why you ignore me so much!" I flinch when I hear my father shouting. I can hear myself whimper in the memory, and someone places a hand over my mouth. My eyes go to meet theirs, but their face is blurred out. I can tell we're making eye contact though.

The person hugs me, and I feel myself tear up.

"Shh, it's okay, Phe-phe. They're just arguing..." they whisper. I feel my chest ache as I remember who's speaking to me, and why I hate it when people call me that. I lean into their grip, shaking. Little kid instincts.

He rubs my back, and whispers comforting things to me. But that doesn't last long. Comfort never does. Something sharp flies past the boy and hits the wall, sinking the blade in halfway. We both flinch and run, run as fast as we can. But we can't do anything, for children are powerless in this world, until they have a purpose, a reason for motive.

We run, but then he trips. I turn around and help him up, against his protests. I...feel as if I'm younger than the boy. We almost make it to a room, one that is on the far side of my floor, and are just about to get it open when the boy screams. I whip around to see my father grabbing the boy and pulling him off of the ground by his arm. My father starts laughing, while the boy is screaming.

I honestly have no clue what happens next because I snap awake, feeling a slightly familiar presence that I've almost forgotten about. Mike is concentrated on the cameras when I hear children yelling in the main room. I teleport out there and see Jack floating on the stage with two out of three of the shadow animatronics. The ones that actually belong in the restaurant are obviously scared. All of them except for Golden Freddy. He's growling in a hostile way at them while the others are just watching. Jack seems unamused and crosses his arms.

"Golden...who is that?" Bonnie asks.

"The marionette."

Before anyone can say anything, I cautiously step into the open. "Close, but not quite. He's the Puppet Master. Jack, why are you here?"

Fear creeps into my voice as everyone turns to stare at me, knowing that Jack rarely appears. It's usually Mari. Why does he have the shadows with him? When he spots me, he smiles slightly.

"Phoenix, it's been a while, hasn't it? I was actually searching for you. Something's happened."

As soon as he says those last two words, I freeze in place. I can still sense the hostility from earlier. "What happened?" I question, my voice nearly catching in my throat.

"He's hunting your friend, Little Clover."

As soon as this is said, my adrenaline levels rise considerably. "W-what? Why? He's sick right now! Why would he be after him?!" I ask, already thinking about all of the worst possibilities. Jack teleports to next to me, and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I have no clue what his motives to go after Little Clover, just as we have no clue as to why he murdered our friends."

The animatronics instantly freeze and stare at us. Suddenly I'm aware of heavy breathing and fast paced footsteps running towards our little group. I turn around swiftly, and my arm raises on instinct, my hand latching onto Mike's wrist. Quickly, I read his thoughts. He was going to throw the flashlight at one of the animatronics. My eyes narrow.

"Michael, while we may not be on good terms with the animatronics, that gives you no reason to throw something that could damage them."

He seems shocked when I pull the flashlight from his hands and throw it onto the floor with as much force as I can. I hear a little ting, indicating that something cracked. I turn around and look at Jack.

"Do you know where Jeremy is?" I ask.

"Still at your safe house. I do not know more than that."

I nod and turn on my heel, ready to run through the doors when Chica grabs my wrist. I freeze in surprise, and when Mike goes to rip her arm off of me, I put a force field up.

"Where are you going, and what does it have to do with your father?" she questions me. I sigh.

"The other night guard that is usually here is sick and being hunted by him. I need to go."

With that I teleport away. I get to the tree house and see Jeremy curled up in the corner, sleeping peacefully. No blood, no injuries, no weakened auras. No sign of my father.

I mean against the wall, in the shadows, and wait. Guess I'm still on night watch, huh? But if it's to keep Jeremy safe...I don't care.

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