Chapter 15:

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Jeremy's POV

  At lunch the Night Watchers let me sit at their table.  The only reason they knew which animatronic attacked me is because Foxy also apparently attacked Mike in a similar way a few months ago. 

  About halfway through the period, Mike,  Scott,  Fritz and I got our hands pinned behind out backs.  The other three also had their head slammed onto the lunch table.  Why the heck aren't any of the lunch monitors doing anything?! 

    Then I see who's behind this.  Nightmare and his gang.  Nightmare smiles creepily before digging his litters claws into Mike's back, drawing red.  Bright red blood. 

"S-stop it!  You're hurting him!" I stutter out in a slightly panicked tone, stating the obvious.  This results in me being smacked in the face by Vanessa.

"Shut it, reject!" She shouts at me.  Nightmare only chuckles deeply as he digs his claws deeper into Mike's back.  Believe it or not, but Mike made a small grunt of pain.  Next I do something I never thought I'd do. 

   I stand up quickly,  shoving Vanessa away from me.  My magicks are already activated.

"I...said...STOP!" I shout as I swipe my hand in front of me,  sending a wave of pure green magic at Nightmare.  It hits him an sends him flying back several feet,  away from Mike.  Then he looks up at me an snarls,  his red eyes glowing. 

  Time for my first actual fight,  huh?

Mike's POV

  I glance up a soon soon the claws leave my back.  What I see actually surprises me.

  Jeremy's eyes are glowing green and narrowed, but they have a cold, steely look in them.  I never thought that h could look so pissed off.

  He walks over to Nightmare and pins him against the wall with his magic.  Jere holds him there while looking directly in his eyes.

"If I te-tell you to do so-something, then do it or this happens!" He says. 

  Nightmare give Jeremy a small look of confusion while saying, "Or what happe-"

  Nightmare doesn't even get to finish his sentence as Jeremy swings his arm, his fist connecting with Nightmare's nose.  We all freeze at the sound of Nightmare's small cry of pain following a loud CRACK

  Jeremy turns and walks toward us again, and we all get a good veiw of Nightmare holding his hands under his most likely broken nose, blood dripping into his palms. 

  He glares at Jeremy one last time before storming out of the cafiteria, motioning his "friends" to follow him.  Thankfully, they all leave. 

  After they're all gone, Jeremy places his hands on my back, causing me to flinch.

"S-sorry..." He trails off, exhaustion evident in his voice as his eyes an hands once again begin glowing green.  But this time, it's to heal me.

  Scott gets up and rushes over,  taking over the process of healing me.  Almost directly after he finishes healing my back,  Jeremy stumbles and nearly collapses to the floor I I hadn't caught him. 

  I drag him closer and make him sit down next to me on the bench.  He just lays his head on the table while yawning softly.  I look back at my friends while chuckling.  They grin and nod.  Jeremy's one of us, for now...


Vincent's POV

  I open the door to let my brother in, and he steps inside with the reject on his back, pretty much unconscious.  When Phoenix sees the kid from her spot on the couch, she nearly flips her shit.

"Jere!" She shouts as she bolts upright, only to fall to the floor.  Mike chuckles an places Jeremy on the couch next to where Phoenix was sitting.  My cousin pulls herself back onto the couch and settles next to her friend. 

  Her eyes start glowing a silvery color as she tries to figure out what's wrong with her friend.  When she finishes, she turns to Mike, her eyes cold and warning.  Ohohohohooo! My bro's in some deep shit now!

Mike's POV

"Mike, what happened at school?"

  My cousin questions me in a quiet voice, though I can hear a warning in it.  I sigh.  No getting out of this one!

"Nightmare and his gang attacked Fritz, Scott, Jeremy and I at lunch.  Jeremy actually attacked Nightmare because I was being injured.  He looked pretty cool with his attacks, but it drained him," I explain.  She nods slowly before turning back to Jeremy. 

"He shouldn't have done that.  He still technically isn't strong enough to do more than basic attacks and defense." She explains in a soft, strained tone.  Then something comes to mind.

"Hey Dip- er, Phoenix, why aren't you in bed resting?"

  As soon as I ask her this, she points to Vincent with her middle finger.  He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles nervously before backing out of the room. 

  God damn it, Vincent.

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