Chapter 17: Halloween at Freddy's (long af)

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(Look, I'm sorry about this one being so freaking late.  If I could skip Halloween, I would.  But this one is kind of important.  Sorry.)

Phoenix's POV

  We step into the Pizzeria, and I'm instantly struck with the natural fear and curiosity that enters my mind when I come to the restaurant.  My ears go down slightly, and I look around the place.  Nothing seems too different, but I can't be too careful in this place.  Especially with the history of the chain.  Then I look at the show stage.

  Freddy's eyes and mouth are glowing like when he attacks a nightguard, and his eyes are watching our group.  Chica has a little cupcake in her hand, but it looks kinda ripped and has sharp teeth.  Both sets of eyes follow our group as well.  Then looking at Bonnie, his eyes seem to be a brighter red then usual, and are also following our little group.  I can't really tell, but I'm pretty sure that I'm the one that they're watching.  Although I don't blame them.

  I take the pictures out of my pocket and slowly inch away from my friends.  They can't see what I'm going to do.  No one is allowed to see me do this.  Moving quickly, I dart into the shadows and run into Pirate's Cove.

???'s POV

  I watch as she walks with her group of friends.  They don't seem to take notice of her, or her departure.  She has ears and a tail, which I honestly was not expecting to see.

  She came back here, to the place of lies and death, false hope and betrayals.  But for what reason?  To laugh and joke about our deaths?  Or to boast about what her father had done?  No...she doesn't seem to be acting in that way.  But then again, lies seem to run in her family.

  I watch as she runs into Pirate's Cove, but I quickly fly after her upon remembering that Foxy's still in there.  I follow her invisibly, as not to alert her of my presence.  She slips something into the suit and it twitches slightly, making her draw her hand away.  Then I notice what's in her other hand.  Five more pictures.

  They're all the same picture, a picture of all of us back when we were alive at that Halloween party, about a year or so before our murders.  We had all been dressed up as our favorite animatronics, which also happen to be the ones that we now inhabit.  Well, the five of us were.  Brandy and Faith were dressed up as assassins, while SHE was dressed up as a Wolf, an animatronic that was never put on stage. 

  Looking at the pictures brings a feeling of nostalgia to me, but I quickly dismiss it.  I can't be feeling weakened by this.  I just can't.  Not for times with her.  I can't let this get to me.

  Looking around, I notice that she's no longer in the cove.  Panicking slightly, I fly out and spot her walking to the stage.  A show just ended, so she walks behind the closed curtains.  I fly over to her and watch as she drops a picture into each of the suits.  They all twitch or turn slightly as she sticks her hand in. 

  I watch as their eyes follow her progress, taking in every movement that she makes.  I don't even flinch as my brother winks at me.  I see Foxy's spirit float next to me in order to watch her as well.  I only nod, telling him that I know that he's here.

  We all watch as she walks off into the shadows, toward the backstage storage room.  I glance at the others and wave as I float after her, into the darkness.  Looking at her hand, I notice that she still has two pictures.  And my guess is that one of them is for me. 

Phoenix's POV

  I walk to the room backstage, noting the constant presence that seems to be following me.  It's kind of blurry in my memory, but I'm pretty sure I can tell who it is.  I just hope it isn't the one I think it is, while still hoping it is, if that makes any sense.

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