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This book talks about a lot of triggering things, and if any of these things makes you uncomfortable or triggers you, I advise you DO NOT read this. Some of these triggers are:
-physical abuse
-verbal abuse
-mental abuse
-offensive transphobic slurs
-offensive homophobic slurs
-blood and gore
-suicidal thoughts
-possibly more

All these triggers will most likely show up in every chapter, but if one chapter ESPECIALLY has a certain trigger, I will mention it at the beginning of the chapter (‼️), put signs around the triggering text (⚠️), and make a summery at the end of the chapter (⭕️). Thank you so much for reading, and stay safe!

‼️Transphobic slurs, homophobic slurs, mention of rape, mention of abuse‼️

Ever since Alexander Hamilton was a small child, he always felt different and out of place. It wasn't until high school that he learned he was transgender and trapped in a girls body. Although he came out to his school, he was still referred to as "Alexandra". But everything changed after he graduated. College would be different, he told himself. He would come out as a male straight away, and everyone would call him Alexander. No one would know, no one would call him a tranny, and everyone would accept him. He wouldn't have to deal with the constant abuse he has dealt with for those horrible years of high school, and he wouldn't have to talk to anyone he knew from high school ever again. He could finally start his life over. Or so he thought, until he turned the key to his dorm and faced his worst enemy.

"How unlucky do I have to be to be roomed with a tranny?" Hamilton stared in awe as none other than Thomas Jefferson emerges from the kitchen, crossing his arms over his white t-shirt. Hamilton felt himself begin to shake as flashbacks of being held against a locker and beat mercilessly came to his mind. He dug his nails into the palms of his hands and met Jefferson's glare with a glare of his own. For some reason, he saw Jefferson's glare soften.

"Which room is mine?" he asked. Jefferson scoffed.

"The first one on the right," he replied, turning away and going back to the kitchen. Quickly, Hamilton grabs his suitcase and rushes to the room, closing and locking the door. He lets out a deep sigh, and begins pulling shirts and binders out of his suitcase. He puts everything away, makes his bed, and finally pulls out his laptop to check his schedule, sitting criss cross on his bed with his laptop on his lap. He finally gets the page loaded up when his phone dings, signaling someone texted him, and causing him to jump. He leans across his bed and checks it. It's from John.

JL: hey babe whats your dorm number

He forgot Laurens was going to the same college as him. A shiver went down Hamilton's spine. Laurens never called him "babe" unless he wanted something, and it was never good.

Hamilton knew he had to reply, and he knew Laurens would figure out where he lived anyways. He always seemed to find Hamilton.

AH: 418 in building C. My roommate is here unpacking.

He hoped Laurens wouldn't try to come get him and would give up on his hopes now.

JL: bummer. the boys are here and want to have some fun. 332 building a

Hamilton sighed. Of course, he had to go. If not, Laurens would come to his dorm and beat him, even if Jefferson was here. He sighed, not really having much of a choice.

AH: I'll be there in a few minutes.

Hamilton quickly slipped his phone into his pocket and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. He crossed to the room to his door, unlocking and opening it before slipping out into the living room. He was almost to the front door of the dorm before a southern accent stopped him cold.

"Where are you off to?" Jefferson drawled.

"It's none of your business," Hamilton replied, his voice steady although his hands were shaky. He slipped on his shoes that were by the door.

"Well I'm making it my business. We're roommates now, we might as well be friendly towards each other."

Hamilton shot a glare at Jefferson. "I'll start being friendly when you stop sticking your nose in my business." Hamilton slipped his coat on and left, making sure his keys were in his pocket before he shut the door. They were in college now, and Hamilton was tired of being scared.

Outside the dorm building, Hamilton took a glance around. The leaves were beginning to change colors and the air had a chill to it. The college campus consisted of tall buildings, franchises surrounding the streets, and a large grassy clearing with a fountain in the middle and paths leading up to it from all sides. Hamilton closed his eyes as the light breeze shuffled his hair slightly. He smiled, feeling a small sense of freedom. Then, in a flash, that feeling was gone as he remembered where he was going. With a sigh, Hamilton walks across the campus, walking slowly, to Laurens's dorm building.

He approached the building, which seemed to loom over him, and felt a sinking feeling in his chest. He took a deep breath, went inside, traveled up the stairs, and found himself in front of Laurens's dorm. He hesitated, then knocked twice on the door. After a few seconds, Laurens answered the door with a sinister smile. Hamilton put on a fake smile and followed him in, like a lamb being led to the slaughter.


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