Chapter Thirteen

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Mentions of Rape and Abuse

"You ready to be released?" Jefferson asked Hamilton. Hamilton rocked Philip, who was sleeping.

"The sooner I can get back to my work, the better," Hamilton whispered.

"Alex, you can't be serious." Hamilton just looked at Jefferson with a quizzical expression. "You need to rest for a few weeks. Doctor's orders."

"But I have so much work I'm behind on!" Hamilton argued.

"Work that you're excused from," Jefferson reasoned. "The first thing you're doing when we get to the dorm is sleeping."


"Alexander." Jefferson gave Hamilton a look that said he wasn't joking.

Hamilton sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you." Jefferson smirked, ruffling Hamilton's hair. Hamilton swatted Jefferson's hand away and used his free hand to smooth his hair down. Jefferson laughed, brushing hair out of Hamilton's face.

Hamilton looked up at Jefferson, the taller man's eyes sparkling as he stared down at Hamilton. Hamilton pressed his mouth into a small smile. "Hey, I think we need to talk about-"

He was cut off by Lafayette, who had chosen the worst -but best- possible time to visit. "Bonjour," he said, his French accent very prominent. Hamilton knew that meant he was tired, not just from the heavy accent but also from the dark bags under his mocha colored eyes.

"Hey, Laf," Hamilton said with a small smile. Jefferson studied Lafayette. He looked exhausted, but also guilty. The guilt almost doubled when Lafayette looked down at the baby in Hamilton's arms. "What's up?" Hamilton asked, drawing Lafayette's attention from his guilt to the reason he was there.

"I was hoping to talk to you," he glanced at Jefferson, "alone."

Jefferson glanced at Hamilton, who nodded. "Sure." He looked at Jefferson. "Do you mind giving us a minute?"

"Alright," Jefferson said. "I'll be out here if you need me." Jefferson left the room, sitting in the waiting room, and staring at the door. He would be lying if he said he wasn't mad at Lafayette. Even though Lafayette didn't do anything to hurt Hamilton, he just stood by and let Laurens repeatedly hurt Hamilton, along with the others. There must have been a reason why Lafayette didn't tell anyone or try to stop it, but until he knew what that reason was, Jefferson was still going to hold a grudge against the Frenchman.

Hamilton let out a sigh as he watched Jefferson leave. He turned his attention back to Lafayette. "Come sit," he said, motioning to the chair.

"Thank you," Lafayette said, sitting down in the chair next to Hamilton's bed. "How're you feeling?"

Hamilton smiled lightly, his attention on little Philip. "We both know we each hate small talk, so let's get to the point." Hamilton looked up at Lafayette, who was twiddling with his thumbs. "So, why are you here?"

"I wanted to apologize," Lafayette muttered, just loud enough for Hamilton to hear. "And... and warn you." Hamilton's eyes widened, but Lafayette continued. "I know, apologizing for keeping John's secret doesn't change that it happened, and I wish I had told someone before you went through all of this, but I can't change the past."

"Laf," Hamilton whispered, putting a hand on his, causing Lafayette to look up. "I don't blame you, not at all. I know they must have had something against you, or they must have threatened you, to prevent you from telling anyone. You have no reason to apologize."

Lafayette smiled, but it looked more forced than genuine. After a few seconds, his smile went away. "I should thank you, but I feel like I don't deserve it." Hamilton didn't say anything, but instead stared at Philip. After a moment, Lafayette continued. "Look, you're right, they're holding something against me, so I can't just leave, or they'll come after me. But they also don't have a filter when they're drunk, so I hear everything they plan. " Lafayette let out a deep breath. "Alexander, they want your baby." Hamilton's head snapped up. "Well, more specifically, John wants your baby. He also wants you back."

"No," Hamilton whispered, subconsciously holding Philip closer to him. "He can't. He's not taking Philip."

Lafayette offered Hamilton a sad smile. "Alexander, you know the lengths they go to." Hamilton looked away, and let a small tear fall from his face. he knew exactly what kind of lengths they would go to. "I will offer my help as much as I can," Lafayette said. "I want you and your Philip to be together, trust me."

Hamilton nodded. "Thank you, Laf." He looked up at the Frenchman, who looked close to tears. "If you need help getting out of your situation, I'm more than willing to help."

Lafayette smiled, but didn't say anything else about it. "So, what's up with you and Thomas?"

Hamilton felt a blush creeping across his face. "I don't know what you mean."

Lafayette grinned. "I saw the way you two looked at each other. Don't worry, I won't tell," he added with a wink.

Hamilton let out a small giggle, but then sighed. "Well, I don't really know. He kissed me, but I don't know whether it was an in the moment thing sort of thing or if it meant something more."

Lafayette rubbed his stubble. "How long ago was this?"

"Uh..." Hamilton's eyebrows knitted together in thought. "Before I went into labor."

"And you haven't talked to him about it yet?" he asked in surprise.

"I haven't had the chance."

"And he hasn't done anything else after that?" Hamilton shook his head. "Merde, Alexander. You need to talk to him about it."

"That's the plan," Hamilton said with a sigh. 

"Here, how about you go home, rest up, talk to him, and then I'll visit you and we can talk. Like we used to in high school." Hamilton grinned at Lafayette's words.

"Alright, it's a plan. I'll see you later, yeah?"

Lafayette grinned and stood up, crossing to the door. "Of course. Be careful, mon ami." 

"Same to you, Laf." Lafayette smiled and left, saying a few words to Jefferson that Hamilton couldn't make out.

Jefferson came back into the room with a slight frown, but started smiling when he saw Hamilton's grin. "Ready to go home?"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Sorry for not updating. Like, ever. I had a bunch of homework to do, and couldn't really manage updating. But I got a kind of awesome announcement ?? I qualified for the regions meet for swimming. Yay, that's kind of cool I guess. I'm more excited for that than I sound, I swear, I'm just super tired rn. Anyways, next chapter will be updated soon, so like, hang in there y'all. All questions will be answered soon :)

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