One Year Later(A/N, Sorry)

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Guys. I read fanfic all the time. I know you guys do too, obviously lol. And I don't know about y'all, but I personally always think author's notes are boring and cheesy and end up skipping them unless I'm extremely dedicated to the author. But when I say I logged onto this account an entire year later, and saw the amount of growth this book had, and how many people love my book? When I said I cried, I mean I was bawling. I got done crying about how much I love you guys, and even as I'm writing this, I'm tearing up again. I'm so glad so many people loved this story that they put it on their reading lists, or they voted on it, or left comments on it. I haven't checked the lyric train in chapter 13 yet, but I sincerely hope it has been added onto or I will be very very disappointed in all of my readers lol. I'm just kidding I love you all.

This is where I get into the sappy part. Guys. Gals. My NB folks out there who are just vibing. The lovely bigender peeps and the handsome trans men, gorgeous trans women, amazing agender folks, and all y'all genderfluid beauties. I gotta level with y'all. I wrote this when I was in a seriously mentally damaging friend group, even in a romantic relationship with an emotional abuser. Safe to say, it wasn't a good time for me, as well as my transition into high school and me finding my identity. I won't exaggerate it, I got off pretty well while my best friend still cries herself to sleep about the entire situation about it some nights, but it was not good for either of us, so we got out. And I'm so glad we did. We found new people who actually love us for who we are, along with new friends who are constantly supporting us and never letting us talk ourselves down. Personally, although I still have trust issues and sometimes can't stand to look at myself in the mirror, my boyfriend now treats me like an absolute queen, and better than I could have ever imagined.

That being said, this book was an extremely exaggerated representation of my life then. IN NO WAY WAS MY LIFE IN ANY WAY COMPARABLE TO HAMILTON'S IN THIS BOOK! Both situations were not ideal, Hamilton's situation being much worse than mine, and just like I had my best friend, Hamilton had Jefferson to keep him grounded. They didn't like each other at first, just like how I didn't like my best friend at first, but eventually they found their way together, just like me and my friend. This entire book was a vent, a way to get my angsty feelings off my chest, and after I left that toxic friend group, all of my angsty feelings were gone. I didn't want to write my feelings out anymore. I didn't have to. My life turned around for the better.

For those who read this book and are still here with me now, just remember to hold on please. Life will get better. Your knight in shinning armor will arrive and save you from whatever hellhole you're in now. Whether the night is your best friend, your significant other, your sibling or parent or grandparent, someone you don't even know. I'm not very religious, but I do believe in fate, and someone will come your way to save you, or you will climb out of that hellhole yourself because you are a badass and a survivor. I'm not one to judge, but I believe in every single one of you. Your support sis amazing things for me during my dark times, and you didn't even know I was struggling, so now I want you all to know that I believe in you, and I believe you can survive because you are all strong, no matter what you think or what anyone else tells you.

To the OG's who kept me going during this book when I wanted to give up, thank you. Thank you so much. You started the lyric chain that made me keep coming back to my book to edit. You left votes and comments and made me laugh and broke my heart and then fixed my heart by making me laugh again. I love every single one of you, thank you for making me believe in myself. I would absolutely love to do a revamp of this, because I believe I can convey the story better and I most definitely have the time because it is currently summer break, and everything is closed down here because my governor really wants covid controlled so it will stop the spread quicker.So what do you guys think? If I get enough people that would read a revamp I will totally do it. :)

I love you all. You are all so strong. Be brave, because the world is cruel, but stay kind, because the world needs some kindness. <3

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