Chapter Fourteen

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As soon as Hamilton and Jefferson were back in the dorm and settled Philip down for a nap, Hamilton made a pot of coffee because of the horrible hospital coffee they serves him while he was there. Jefferson watched him, always an arm length away in case Hamilton were to fall, which the nurses at the hospital told him to watch out for. Hamilton filled a cup with coffee and sat down on the counter, drinking the delicious black liquid that he missed so much. He closed his eyes in this blissful moment, letting the warmth seep into his hands. Jefferson watched him curiously, a small smile on his lips.

"We need to talk," Hamilton said after a moment, setting the cup down and staring at Jefferson. 

"If it's about you going to your classes, I already told you that you need to rest," Jefferson said, leaning on the counter next to Hamilton.

"No, it's not about that." Hamilton hesitated, and Jefferson cocked an eyebrow. Hamilton opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. "You kissed me," is all he ended up saying.

"Oh," Jefferson said in surprise. "Yeah, I guess I did..."

"So, why?"


"What does that mean? For us?"

"Did you enjoy it?"

Hamilton felt his face flush. "I, uh..."

Someone knocked at the door, and Hamilton all but ran towards it. "Hey, Alex," Jefferson called from the kitchen. Hamilton turned his head in Jefferson's direction. "Are we going to finish this conversation later?"

"Yeah, later," Hamilton agreed, opening the door. To his surprise, and absolute delight, the Schuyler sisters bombarded him in a huge hug, welcoming him home and desperately asking to see baby Philip. "He's in the bedroom," Hamilton said with a small giggle.

Angelica and Eliza quickly went off to Hamilton's room to see Philip, but Peggy stayed by Hamilton's side. "How're you feeling?" she asked gently.

"I'm feeling better now that I'm out of that stuffy hospital," Hamilton joked, but he could tell that's not what Peggy was talking about. She gave him a serious look, and he sighed. "I'm, uh, I'm honestly kind of scared. I mean, he's capable of more things than you can even begin to imagine." Hamilton looked up at Jefferson, who was spaced out with a concentrated look. Hamilton looked back to Peggy when she put a hand on his arm. "But it's nothing I can't handle," he assured her when seeing the concerned look on her face. He gave her a smile, seemingly confident and strong, which she mirrored after a few seconds. In reality, Hamilton was terrified. He knew the lengths Laurens would go to in order to get Philip.

He felt Peggy wrap her arms around him, snapping him out of his thoughts. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his head into her shoulder, trying to block out the world for a moment. "If you need a safe place for you and Philip to stay, my family and I can help you out," she pulled away from the hug and held Hamilton at arms length, "okay? Just give us the word and we'll keep you both safe."

"Thanks, Pegs," Hamilton said with a smile. "Why don't we go see Philip for a bit, yeah?" Peggy smiled and nodded, and Hamilton led her into his room. Angelica and Eliza were already fawning -quietly- over the sleeping Philip, and Peggy joined them. Jefferson came into the room a second later and watched the sisters and Hamilton fawning over the baby with a smile. No matter how happy Hamilton looked like he was, he couldn't shake the fear of Laurens from his mind.


After a few more hours of Angelica, Eliza and Peggy fawning over Philip, Hamilton finally got them to leave him in peace so he could rest. Don't get him wrong, he loves the sisters, his talk with Peggy and his half talk with Jefferson just exhausted him. Not to mention giving birth to Philip. That's pretty tiring too.

Hamilton woke with a start to Philip crying. He rolled over and glanced at his alarm clock, which said 2:46. He crawled out of bed and gently picked Philip up from his bed. "Shhhhh, it's okay," he tried to sooth Philip. "It's alright, Philip. Daddy's here." He gently bouncing Philip, trying to calm him down. He started going through a list of reasons why Philip would be crying. Dirty diaper? He patted Philip's bum lightly, checking to see if it was wet, which it wasn't. It also didn't smell bad, so he didn't need a diaper change. Hungry? Hamilton made sure to feed Philip before going to bed, which was three hours ago. Hamilton started panicking. "Come on, Philip, what's wrong?"

"Lex?" Hamilton turned around and saw Jefferson standing by the door, looking tired but wide awake at the same time.

"Shit, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" Hamilton asked, still bouncing Philip. He watched as Jefferson walked over to the small table by the crib and grab something off of it.

"No, I woke up on my own," Jefferson assured Hamilton, gently taking Philip from Hamilton's arms. He slowly rocked Philip and put a pacifier in his mouth. Philip immediately stopped crying and grabbed one of Jefferson's fingers.

"How did you do that?" Hamilton asked in awe, leaning on Jefferson's arm and watching Philip. 

Jefferson passed Philip back to Hamilton. "I have a lot of younger siblings," he said with a shrug. "If neither of us are going to sleep soon, can we finish that conversation?" Jefferson was almost desperate to finish the conversation.

"Sure," Hamilton shrugged, rocking Philip the way Jefferson had been doing.

"I kissed you, I think the reason why is obvious. I want to know how you feel about it."

Hamilton looked up at Jefferson. "I mean, I wouldn't mind kissing you again," Hamilton mumbled.

Jefferson raised an eyebrow. "So, do you want to try this out? Try us out?"

Hamilton couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, let's try it."

Jefferson smiled and pulled Hamilton into a  gentle hug, careful not to squish the little Philip between them. "How about you get some sleep, alright?" Hamilton nodded and laid down in his bed with Philip beside him. Jefferson kissed the top of Hamilton's head and tucked him in before going back to his own room and falling asleep.

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