Chapter Eight

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WARNING !!! Brief suicidal thoughts (the rest of the chapter should be light)

Hamilton sat in his political science class, drumming his fingers against the desk as his mind traveled. He thought about the other night in the bathroom, when he almost ended it. Why didn't he? It would have been so easy. He remembered the way he screamed when he couldn't bring himself to end it. But why couldn't he end it? He looked down at his stomach. Of course, if he killed himself, the baby in his stomach would die. He couldn't take an innocent life with his. But that wasn't the only reason he hesitated, was it? The professor began wrapping up the class, so Hamilton slid his books back in his bag. He lifted his bag onto his shoulder and left as soon as the professor seemed to dismiss him. He walked through the halls and out of the building, down the steps, and began walking across the courtyard. On the other side of the courtyard sat three girls, all laughing at a joke one of them must have said, and it brought a smile to Hamilton's face. They were some of the reasons Hamilton hesitated. He made his way over to them.

"How are my favorite girls doing?" Hamilton asked, sitting beside the smallest girl.

"Hey, Lex!" Maria Lewis cheered, wrapping an arm around Hamilton. "How've you been?"

"I've been good, how are you girls?"

"I think I speak for everyone when I say we've been fantastic," Eliza says with a smile. Angelica and Maria nod in agreement. "Are you sure you're doing good?"

"What do you mean?" Hamilton asked, starting to get slightly nervous. All three girls looked down at Hamilton's stomach. "Eliza, you didn't," Hamilton gasped after realization donned on him.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. But we're all here for you, and we want to help in any way possible," Eliza said cheerfully.

Hamilton was a little aggravated that Eliza told Angelica and Maria, but he figured they would have found out eventually. "Just promise you won't tell anyone else."

"I promise," they said simultaneously.

"So, have you told John yet?" Eliza asked.

"How'd he take the news?" Angelica asked.

"Are you going to keep it?"

Hamilton smiled. "Yes, I told John. He didn't take it the way I expected him to. And yes, I'm keeping it."

"Oh?" Angelica said with surprise. "And how exactly did he take it?"

Hamilton looked down for a minute, letting his thoughts race. "Guys, I'm a little tired and have a lot of homework to do," Hamilton lied.

"Oh, of course, we totally get it," Eliza said with a smile. "Call us if you ever want to hang out or if you need something, okay?" Hamilton nodded, said his goodbyes, and walked back to his dorm.

Hamilton inserted the key into the lock and carefully opened the door. "Hey, I'm back," he called, closing the door and locking it back. The dorm was silent. Jefferson must be out with a friend, Hamilton thought, throwing the keys on the counter. Not that he cared, Jefferson could do whatever he pleased. He sat down on the couch and grabbed a book from his bag, starting to read. Eventually, he passed out, the book laying on his chest and his head tilted back.

Jefferson came into the dorm an hour after Hamilton. He slipped his coat off and found Hamilton laying on the couch, a book on his chest, asleep. Jefferson smiled, carefully scooped up Hamilton, and gently lay him down on his bed. Jefferson made sure Hamilton was tucked in and was about to go back into the kitchen when Hamilton shifted and gently grabbed Jefferson's hand. Jefferson turned around to see Hamilton staring up at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Jefferson said quietly. Hamilton nodded and yawned, but didn't let go of Jefferson's hand. Jefferson let out a sigh. "You're going to have to be a big boy and use your words," he said mockingly.

"Stay with me?" Hamilton asked. His eyes were heavy with sleep and showed desperation. Jefferson just nodded and slowly climbed in the bed with Hamilton. He wrapped his arms protectively around the smaller man and felt Hamilton nuzzle into his chest. They fell asleep like that, Jefferson laying in Hamilton's bed and Hamilton curled up in Jefferson's warm embrace. They both wished they could stay like that forever. Unfortunately, the next morning came with it's usual morning sickness, which caused Hamilton to stumble out of bed and towards the toilet. Fortunately, Jefferson was there by Hamilton's side even after it was over.

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