Chapter Fifteen

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Jefferson woke up one Sunday morning in the most cliche way ever. The beautiful 10 am sun shining through his window, a head cleared and ready for the day thanks to a full rest, and two other people sleeping beside him.

Wait, what?

He turned his head at the soft snores coming from beside him. Hamilton lay curled up beside him, one arm draped over Jefferson's chest. Jefferson looked at the baby sleeping on his other side. That's when his memories made themselves known to him. He remembered waking up from Philip's crying, calming him down, and climbing into Hamilton's bed with Philip. That seemed to be the only way to get a full night's sleep with Philip; having someone sleep with him. Most of the time, it was Hamilton. Jefferson remembered the many times he would find Hamilton laying with Philip in bed. Jefferson smiled at the thought and, carefully, got out of bed with Philip. He rocked Philip gently, trying to wake up the child so he could feed him.

Jefferson made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a pre-made bottle, putting it in the microwave and heating it up. He looked down at the bundle in his arms and smiled, bouncing him lightly. "Hey, little guy. You hungry?" Philip made a small noise, like a kitten mewling, which made Jefferson smile wider. He grabbed the baby bottle from the microwave, tested it to make sure it wasn't too hot or cold, and gently prodded the bottle into Philip's mouth to feed him.

"Tommy?" Jefferson turned his head in Hamilton's direction. The smaller man had obviously just woken up, and was rubbing his eye to draw the sleep away. Jefferson felt his breath hitch, but recovered a second later and smiled.

"Morning, darlin'," Jefferson said quietly, turning his attention back to Philip. "Little guy looked hungry."

Hamilton smiled and came up behind Jefferson, wrapping his arms around the taller man's waist. "Thank you," he muttered, pressing his face into Jefferson's back.

"It's no problem, darlin'," Jefferson said with a smile. "I love helping you take care of Philip." Jefferson turned around and brushed Hamilton's hair from his face, revealing Hamilton's small frown. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared," Hamilton admitted. "What if he... John, I mean, what if he tries to take Philip from me. What if he tries to take this case to court to gain full custody? I-I don't want to lose... I don't want to lose him." Hamilton rested a hand lightly on Philip, and Philip wrapped a tiny hand around his ring finger.

"Hey, he's not going to have your Philip. What sparked this idea?" Hamilton slipped his phone out of his pocket, tapped a few buttons, and handed it over to Jefferson. "Oh."

JL: i want my son
JL: if you dont give him to me i will take him from you

Jefferson looked at Hamilton with a sad look and reached forwards to touch Hamilton's shoulder. "Alex, I-"

"I don't want your pity, Thomas," Hamilton muttered, taking a few steps back from Jefferson reaching arm. "I just... just wanted to tell you. In case something did happen."

"I don't understand why you can't go to the police about this. He assaulted you, for heaven's sake!" 

Hamilton shifted uncomfortably. "Because," Hamilton muttered. He crossed one arm over his chest.

"Because why, Alex? Why can't we tell at least someone? We wouldn't have to press charges if you don't want to."

"Thomas," Hamilton growled in a warning.

"Alex, please. If not for yourself, then for Philip. For me!"

"Shut up, Jefferson!" Hamilton yelled. Jefferson looked surprised. Hamilton hadn't called him Jefferson since before they got closer. "Shit, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

"I'm going to head out for a bit," Jefferson mumbled, handing Philip to Hamilton.

"T-Thomas...?" Hamilton reached out a hand to Jefferson, but Jefferson shrugged it off.

"I'll be back in an hour." Jefferson slipped his shoes on and left, still wearing his sweats and tank top.

Hamilton watched him leave and looked down at Philip in his arms. He felt a small tear slip down his face as he sat down and cradled Philip closely to his body. "Oh, Philip... What am I going to do?"

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