Chapter Nine

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Warning: transphobic slurs

Hamilton got back to the dorm after a long, stressful day. "I'm back," he called, going to the fridge and grabbing a Capri-Sun. He's been craving those a lot lately.

"How'd it go?" Jefferson asked from the couch. He sat up and faced Hamilton, who sunk into the corner of the couch.

"So far, it's healthy." Hamilton handed Jefferson a picture of the ultrasound. "Everything looks normal, they said the baby was growing at a normal rate, they said I looked healthy." Hamilton shrugged. "We're all good," he concluded.

Jefferson smiled and brought Hamilton into a tight hug. "That's good to hear," Jefferson mumbled in Hamilton's hair. After a minute, Jefferson let go of Hamilton and got up from the couch. "This deserves a celebration. Who should we invite over?"

"Actually," Hamilton interrupted quietly, "I was thinking about going to John's today."

Jefferson froze. He slowly turned around and looked at Hamilton, who was fiddling with the pillow on the couch. "You're joking, right?" Hamilton didn't respond, so Jefferson sat back down on the couch. "You know that's a bad idea, right?"

"He wants me to come over. He said he wants to spend time with me. He even apologized for what he said, and said that he was just stressed from his day," Hamilton defended Laurens.

"Hamilton, he called you a useless tranny and told you to get out," Jefferson said matter-of-factly. Hamilton looked down at the floor. "Hey, look at me," Jefferson said gently.

Hamilton looked up at Jefferson. "Why would you care?" he asked. "Why does it matter to you what he says to me or how he treats me?" Hamilton's question didn't sound accusatory, it sounded genuine.

Jefferson stared at Hamilton for a long time, opening his mouth, then closing it, then opening it again. "Because I care about you. I want you to be safe and happy. I don't want to see you get hurt." Hamilton only nodded, and looked away as if he were storing that away in his brain.

"I don't want to go to John's," Hamilton said quietly. "I never want to go to John's. I don't want to see him again." He looked to Jefferson for confirmation. Jefferson just smiled and pulled Hamilton into another hug.

"How about we celebrate tonight, just the two of us," Jefferson said, rubbing Hamilton's back. Hamilton nodded and smiled. Jefferson put on Disney movies and curled up on the couch next to Hamilton. Hamilton smiled and leaned his head on Jefferson's shoulder, soon falling asleep. Jefferson picked up Hamilton and lay him back down in his bed before cleaning up the living room and going to his room. He lay down on the empty bed and quickly fell asleep.


"Hamilton, what the fuck?" Jefferson exclaimed as he walked in and saw Taco Bell wrapper all over the counter and Hamilton sitting among the mess.

"I got hungry," Hamilton said through a mouth full of food. He held out a burrito to Jefferson. "Want one?"

Jefferson snatches it out of his hand and sighed. "How much did all of this cost?" he asked, sitting down across from Hamilton.

"Oh, they Schuylers bought it for me. They said they wanted to help in any way they could," Hamilton replied, taking a bite of his taco.

"Oh my god," Jefferson muttered. "You can't just ask the Schuylers to buy everything for you."

"But they offered," Hamilton pointed out in a whiney tone.

Jefferson sighed, but his lips formed a smile. "What am I going to do with you?" Jefferson asked aloud, ruffling his hair and making it even poofier.

It had been a month since Hamilton last saw Laurens. Hamilton still got threatening texts every now and then, but he never told Jefferson. Hamilton cut off contact with the rest of Laurens's friends, too. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. It had been a week since he last cut, which is an improvement in his eyes. Jefferson seemed to think so, too. Every day Jefferson checked Hamilton's arms, he would see the old scars fading and see no new scars.


Hamilton's pregnancy seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. Besides the morning sickness finally stopping and little kicks here and there, Hamilton now had immense back pain and would have trouble walking. He had to start using regular bras, because after a few hours of using a binder or sports bra, he would loose his breath. He also went to get his second ultrasound done. The doctors said the baby still looked healthy, and he should start setting up a crib for his new baby. So that's what Hamilton did.

"Jefferson!" Hamilton called from his room. "Can you come here for a minute?"

Jefferson hopped off the couch and traveled across the dorm to Hamilton's room, and leaned on the door frame. Hamilton sat in the middle of the room, pieces scattered around him, and a box with a baby crate on it. Jefferson crosses his arms and smirked, watching Hamilton scan over the directions again and again. Hamilton finally looked up at Jefferson, ready to call again, but upon seeing Jefferson, the only thing that came out of his mouth was a small, "Help?"

Jefferson chuckled but sat down in front of Hamilton, reading the instructions for Hamilton and helping him assemble the crib. After three restless and frustrating hours, the crib was finally built and tucked away carefully in the corner of Hamilton's room. Jefferson stood back to admire their hard work, but instead of his gaze landing on the crib, it landed on Hamilton. Jefferson smiled down at the smaller man, wrapping his arms around Hamilton. Hamilton let out a deep breath and buried his head into Jefferson's chest.

"What's wrong?" Jefferson asked, rubbing Hamilton's back.

"Honestly?" Hamilton pulled away. "I'm kind of scared. I mean, what if I mess up? This isn't something small that you can mess up, then start over. This is a human life. You only have one chance to get it right, and there are no do overs."

"I think you'll be an amazing dad," Jefferson whispered, a ghost of a smile across his lips.

"You really think so?" Hamilton asked uncertainly.

"I know so." Jefferson's gaze flickered to Hamilton's lips briefly before looking back into his eyes. "And I'll be here if you need help."

Hamilton smiled, and slowly, Jefferson leaned down and connected his lips with Hamilton's. Jefferson's arms wrapped around Hamilton's waist, and Hamilton pulled himself closer to Jefferson. After they broke away, Jefferson rested his head on Hamilton's and they both stared at the baby crib in the corner of the room. Hamilton's mind raced with thoughts and doubts, and he subconsciously hugged Jefferson tighter. He had Jefferson at his side. That would be enough for now.

So the majority of this chapter was just a huge time skip, and lemme explain that I'm just a freshmen in high school and have never been pregnant, so these pregnancy details are probably off. I've never raised a child, either, so those details will be off too, so don't be upset if it seems somewhat unrealistic. Thank you so much <3

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