Chapter Four

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The next morning took Hamilton by surprise as he woke up. He immediately jumped out of bed and kneeled in front of the toilet, emptying his stomach and whatever he ate the night before into it. Peggy was beside him in an instant, holding his hair away from his face and rubbing his back gently. As soon as Hamilton was finished, Peggy held a hand to his forehead, then to his cheeks.

"You don't feel warm," she muttered. "You didn't drink last night, did you?" Hamilton shook his head, the small motion making his head spin. He hovered his head over the toilet, just in case, and spit into the toilet. The taste, however, didn't go away.

Peggy and Hamilton both looked up when a mug of coffee was placed on counter beside Peggy. Jefferson grabbed Advil from the cabinet behind the mirror and offered Hamilton two pills. Hamilton shook his head, this time slowly, but got the same result as the first time and puked into the toilet.

"Peggy, how do you like your coffee, darling?" Jefferson asked, his southern accent prominent.

"I don't drink coffee, thank you," she declined politely. Jefferson simply shrugged, leaving the full coffee cup on the counter. Peggy handed it to Hamilton, letting him take a sip before putting it back on the counter.

"I think I'm coming down with something," Hamilton muttered, wiping drool and vomit from his mouth.

"You think?" Peggy rolled her eyes. "Can you stand?" Hamilton said nothing but lifted his arms, like a child asking for help. Peggy smiled but stood, helping Hamilton stand as well. Peggy helped Hamilton sit in bed and grabbed sweatpants and a sweatshirt from his drawer.

Peggy left the room, closing the door behind her so Hamilton could change in peace. She found Jefferson in the kitchen, drinking coffee and staring at the counter. As soon as he saw Peggy, he straightened his posture. "Is he sick or hungover?" Jefferson asked, hiding the concern in his voice.

"He's not hungover, but he's not running a temperature either." Peggy sat on one of the barstools. "I don't know what's wrong with him."

Jefferson nodded, finishing his coffee. He put the cup in the sink and went back to his spot at the counter. "Should we take him to a doctor?"

"I'd wait a day or two. He might just have a cold." Hamilton sunk into the seat next to Peggy, his cup of coffee not leaving his mouth. Peggy rubbed his back. "How're you feeling?"

"Better. Still dizzy," Hamilton muttered, taking another sip of coffee. Peggy smiled. At least Hamilton was feeling well enough to drink coffee.

"Do you want to watch Disney today?" Peggy asked gently, still rubbing his back. He nodded and took another sip of coffee. "Ok, I'll get some pillows and blankets, you pick out a movie." Peggy looked at Jefferson momentarily before slipping back into Hamilton's room.

Jefferson watched Hamilton get up from the counter and pick a movie from the shelves next to the TV. Hamilton paused for a second and looked back at Jefferson with a quizzical look. "Are you going to join us?"

Jefferson was caught off guard by the question. He opened his mouth, the closed it, then opened it again. "I-"

"Yeah, why don't you join us?" Peggy asked, emerging with a pair of Hamilton's white sweatpants and a yellow tank top on, along with the blankets she originally went in for. "Maybe we could have Laf, Herc, and Laurens come over too?"

"No!" Hamilton said quickly, sitting up straighter. His face flushed. "I mean, we should just hang out. Just us three. Maybe Angelica and Eliza or Burr?" His eyes looked pleading to Jefferson. Peggy looked at Jefferson, confused.

"Which do you prefer?" Jefferson asked Hamilton. He didn't know why Hamilton looked so scared, but he didn't want Hamilton to look that way again. Wait, what was he saying? Since when did he care about Hamilton? Since Hamilton tried to kill himself because of Jefferson, that's when.

"The Schuylers," Hamilton said, a relieved smile on his face, "and whoever you want to come. Aren't you friends with that Madison kid? He seems pretty ok."

"Alright. Us three, Angelica, Eliza, and James?" Hamilton nodded, grateful. Grateful he didn't have to see Laurens, or anyone else that he knew would hurt him. "I'll call James."

"I'll get my sisters," Peggy said quickly, grabbing her phone and sitting next to Hamilton. Jefferson pulled up Madison's contact and pressed call. After a few rings, he picked up.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up after a long, stressful week of classes."

"Movie day?" Jefferson said quickly. "The Schuylers and Hamilton are joining us."

"Since when did you want anything to do with Hamilton?"

"We're watching Disney," Jefferson said, ignoring the question.

The phone was silent. "I'll be over in a few."

"Thanks James." He hung up. Jefferson knew Madison didn't like Hamilton because of how opinionated he could be. He hoped they would get along for the day. He saw Hamilton sitting on the floor with Peggy, laughing at something the yellow clad girl said, and smiled. Yeah, today would be a good day.

Dudes I have homework I haven't started on that's due tomorrow. And we had a whole two weeks to get it done :)

Word Count: 894

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