Chapter Eighteen

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"Eliza! You're hurting my hair!"

"I wouldn't be hurting your hair if you sat still!"

"Both of you, stop yelling!"

"Food's here!"


Hamilton giggled as he watched the Schuyler sisters getting ready in their dorm. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Eliza asked. "It would be fun, and you need to get out more."

"Yeah!" Peggy agreed. "You can't lock yourself in your dorm your whole life!"

"Though I'm sure you would love to stay locked in your dorm with your roommate," Angelica commented, raising her eyebrows. Eliza and Peggy both "oooohed" while Hamilton blushed.

"I-it's not like that, Angie," Hamilton muttered.

"Uh-huh, sure. Then why are you blushing?" Eliza asked. Peggy poked Hamilton's cheek and giggled.

"Be-because... I like him, okay?" Hamilton rushed in, "But it's nothing major!"

"Alex has a crush! Alex has a crush!" Peggy sang, getting up and dancing around the room. Peggy took in a deep breath and squealed. "Alex and Thomas sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Hamilton groaned. "Peggy!"

"First comes love," Eliza continued for Peggy.

"Then comes marriage," sang Angelica.

"Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" Peggy finished. 

"Eliza! Angelica! Not you guys too!"

"Oh, come on, Lexi. We're just teasing." Eliza started combing Hamilton's hair. "Why don't you get out with us? We won't tease you ever again if you do~"

"But Lizzie!" Peggy complained.

"Eliza's right," Angelica countered. "If you come out with us, we won't tease you about Thomas."

Hamilton groaned. "Fine. But I'm not dressing up."

"You don't have to. It's only a frat party."

"Wait, why is Peggy coming if it's a college frat party?" Hamilton asked. "Isn't she a little... young?"

"Hey!" Peggy exclaimed. 

"She's been to frat parties before, she'll be fine," Angelica said dismissively. No one was going to question her; she was the mom-friend of their group. Angelica knows best.

"Alright Alex, let's get you ready!" Eliza squealed, jumping up and racing to her closet.


The ground shook as the music boomed from the house. Eliza and Peggy practically skipped along, while Angelica and Hamilton walked along quietly. Hamilton's stomach did mini flips as his nerves were shocked. This wasn't his first frat party, but it definitely felt like it.

"Hey, you okay?" Angelica asked, causing Hamilton to snap out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, just nervous..." Hamilton admitted.

"But this isn't your first frat party. Why're you so nervous?"

"I'm always nervous when it comes to social things like this." Hamilton kicked a rock. "I'm just socially awkward."

"You're not that socially awkward," Angelica commented. "Getting out is good from time to time."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Guys, we're here~" Peggy sang. She danced across the lawn and to the house, ready to mingle with people. Eliza followed her with a grin on her face. Angelica looked over at Hamilton and led them to the house.

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