My life always has been hard really, bieng alone was the worst thing, But what was even worse was that everybody walking away from you with a disgusting look on their faces. I was born with a face infection. I would always try to hide my face but everyone could see it. I was not embarrassed by my face or anything, I just hated people calling me the Ugly Mutt. The only person that would give me love was my mother and my brother. She would always tell me to not worry because my look didn't make my heart ugly. "If you have a good soul your heart will stay beautiful"!
Acctully that wasn't the only thing I worried about.
Me and my family were strays and I was afraid that we might end up in the pound so whenever we saw the dog catcher we would always hide, sadly one day it happend the dog catcher found my mother and my brother while I was sleeping. When I woke up they were both gone. Since that day I've been trying to give my self a good life on the streets , trying to except the facts, but I would never want to except myself as a monster.
I would try to think positive but nothing around me had happiness or beauty.
Every night I would just wish and hope that one day I would find a good home that would come near me instead of back away. One touch on my
Face would be a great feeling and a sign of loyalty which was all I hoped for.
The Bond
HumorHow I look never defines me When I have someone to love Belker was an ugly mutt that never had an owner because he wasn't "cute" in of.. Will all that change?