I was in a small cage in a mini van. I was scared. What could happen to me, will I survive. About 30 minutes later the van stopped and the man took me out of my cage and took me inside. "Found this violent pooch at Water Rose Middle School"! he said to another man sitting at his desk.
"Hey, he looks like the pup that we caught a few months ago, remember? we all so caught the other ones mother"!
They were talking about my mother and brother, they have been here.
"Well you know the rules Stan, they didn't get adopted so they had to be put down. Same with this one"!
WHAT? I coulden't believe it. Why did they have to do that to my family?...... I knew I was never gonna see them again but why did THIS had to happen. WHY.......... JUST WHY.........?
I was so upset I just wanted to hide in a corner and stay there forever.
First I get separated from my friend and now I hear that my family is DEAD.
The man took me to the room where all kinds of dogs were locked up in cages. He just threw me in a cage, locked the door and quickly went away.
I just crawled up in a corner of my cage. All of the dogs where barking to get out of here. I was just criying.
The Bond
HumorHow I look never defines me When I have someone to love Belker was an ugly mutt that never had an owner because he wasn't "cute" in of.. Will all that change?