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Being captain of every sport is awesome but sometimes it can be lonely. Don't get me wrong I mean I love being captain but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be loved.

Everyone expects me to be the best and to always lead the team to success, but what if I failed, what would everyone think? Growing up I learnt that I have to always be the best, be first and never give up. What if I fail to do that tomorrow at the big game. The game happens every two years so that we get enough time to train and practice. I'm lucky to have my family and friends supporting me but sometimes that makes me even more pressured to win. I've never been in love so I don't understand it but I kinda want to understand it, although my mind is to full with all the working for the game. We have one more day. If we win the game then we can qualify for the championships.

Winning the championships has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Besides the game tomorrow I still have another game afterwards. Like I said I'm captain of pretty much every sport so I have a very busy week. I start with normal classes and then I leave school like two hours after everyone else. I'm just glad that all the sports training are on different days.


Sorry the chapters short the next one will be longer, I promise ;)

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