The Plan

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"What evidence and how'd you get it!?" I asked with excitement and curiosity.

"I'll tell you tomorrow at school, I got to go, bye." Sam disconnected the phone. I decided to go to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about what Sam said, what evidence could she have?

(Time skip)

It's time to get to class, I'm gonna meet Sam during break. After History and Physics, the bell rang, I ran straight to the cafeteria and sat down where I usually sit. By the table at the far end of the cafeteria.

"Sam!" I yelled and waved to her.

"Hey Amy, so I've come up with a plan to destroy those Navelwooders!" She exclaimed, filled with excitement.

"OK tell me the plan but please stop screaming." I told her while trying to unblock my ears.

"When you overheard Maddison and Brian's conversation I just so happen to be around and you know me and my phone are good pals, so I kinda recorded their chat." Sam said while smirking at me.

"Is that gonna be enough evidence?" I don't think we'll have a good chance with just a voice record." I said nervously to her.

"Amy you've known me for years, of course I have more evidence." She said slyly.

You know when you are annoyed and your friend won't get to the point, yeah that's how I feel right now. "So you planning on telling me what other evidence you got?" I asked, annoyance in my tone.

"You so impatient but I'll tell you, firstly don't freak out but I have a friend in that school and she said that she's gonna send me a video from their school camera that shows everyone who decided to plan to hurt you in order to win the game!" She exclaimed proudly.

"You have a friend from our rival school!!" I yelled.

"Shh!" she whisper yelled and cover ever my mouth with her hand. "Yes I do, now you can't utter a word to anyone!" She said very paranoid. "I told you don't freak out!" She said while rolling her eyes.

"You seriously expected me not to freak out! This is a huge secret! How long have you guys been friends?!" I questioned her. How can she have kept such a secret?

"Chill, don't stress we weren't friends for to long we were just friends for like uh one and a half year." Sam sounded a little nervous when saying that.

"ONE AND A--" before I could finish Samantha covered my mouth.

"How many times must I tell you Amy, keep you voice down!" She said to me.

At this point I wonder how many secrets she's kept from me. "Just a question, are there any more secrets that I should know about?" I questioned her while raising an eyebrow.

"Uh no." She said very uncertain. I gave her an 'I don't believe you' look. "Fine maybe there are a few but I'll tell you another time." She replied.

What kind of a friend keeps secrets from you? Samantha better have good reasons for hiding these secrets.


Have a fantastic day! Hope you liked the chapter :)

What secrets is Samantha hiding and why hasn't she told her best friend about it?

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