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(Sky POV)

Looking at Shawn's condition, we gonna need to take him to a hospital but father would never let us go to a hospital. I grabbed some bandages and I wrapped them all over Shawn. He was bruised all over. "I'll be right back, hang in there bro!" I ran to father's door.

I knocked on the door but I got no answer so I kept knocking, louder each time. "STOP KNOCKING! GET IN AND YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON TO TALK!" I entered. "Father! Shawn might need to go to a hospital!" I said panicking. "YOU IMBECILE! I PUNCHED HIM A FEW TIMES! IM NOT WASTING MY TIME, NOW GET OUT!"

"Father! Shawn could die from losing so much of blood!" I'm very scared now. "Father if Shawn goes to school tomorrow, everyone will know something happen!"

"Fine, we'll take him but no word shall be spoken about this!" I began to calm down a little. "Yes father, thank you."

We rushed downstairs only to see blood all over the floor. I ran to Shawn and his eyes were closed. "Father, Shawn passed out!" I'm starting to freak out. "We'll take him to the hospital." Father didn't seem to care if Shawn was to live or die.

We got into the car and rushed to the hospital.

(Time skip)

We made it to the hospital. Father was being chilled so I ran to the emergency center. "I have a person, he passed out and is bleeding continuously, please help me, follow me and bring a stretcher." The nurse informed some of the other nurses to bring a stretcher while she and a few others followed me to the car.

Shawn was rushed to a room. The doctor examined him. "Doc how is he doing?!" I'm very worried right now, there's a possibility that Shawn could die. "Unfortunately his not doing good, we have to move him to the ICU center!" The doctor said while moving Shawn to a room in the ICU area.

I ran back to the car where my father was. He didn't even bother to come. "Father!" I called him a few times but he didn't respond. "FATHER, SHAWN IS IN ICU AND IT'S YOUR FAULT, WHY DID YOU BEAT HIM UP FOR NOTHING!?" I was now furious. My brother is fighting for his life and my father just relaxes like he could at least pretend to care. "I DIDN'T BEAT HIM UP FOR NOTHING, HE WAS GONNA EXPOSE US, SO I WAS DISCIPLINING HIM!" Disciplining him! Does he think this is a joke.


"YOU BETTER WATCH IT!" I didn't fear him anymore "Why? What you gonna do." But before he could do anything a nurse came. "Mr Azure please come with me immediately!" So I followed the nurse into the hospital. She told me that Shawn isn't out of ICU yet but his gonna have to be in ICU for the week. After his done in ICU his still gonna be in hospital for another week. "So Mr Azure if you have any questions, I shall answer them and please come to the counter to sign a few documents." I went to the counter signed a few things then asked the nurse, "Nurse is Shawn out of danger, he will live for sure, right?"

The nurse sighed and put her hand on my shoulder. "We not sure, anything can happen this week, after this week if he comes 'round then he'll stay for an extra week just so that  we can keep an eye on him but if he doesn't come 'round by the end of the week then there won't be much hope that he'll live." There's a chance Shawn will die.

"Ok, thank you, please keep me updated." She nodded. "Just give me your cellphone number please, you can write it here." She gave me a pen and some paper.

I wrote my name and surname and my cellphone number. "Thank you." I greeted the nurse then went back to the car.

I got in the car. "What did the nurse say?" Father asked but I remained silent. "Sky I asked you a question!" I still remained silent. "ANSWER MY QUESTION!" He started getting angry but I kept my cool. I'm not gonna speak to him until Shawn recovers, that's if he recovers.

(Time skip)

We got home and I jumped out of the car and went straight to my room and locked it. I'm not going to speak to father especially because of how he spoke. How could he be so careless?!

(Doctor POV)

I look at this patient and his not doing very good. There's a possibility he'll survive but it's unlikely.

We can't be sure until the end of the week. I wonder what happen to the poor kid, his still a teenager. I wonder what's happened to him.

Looking at the monitor, his condition is terrible. I doubt he'll survive but his still a kid so he has a slight chance of living.

(Amy POV)

I'm busy doing all my homework fork Ms Harrison. Why does she give us so much of homework?

I was thinking of going to see if Shawn needs help with homework. So when I finish my homework I'm gonna go give him a visit. That to if he doesn't need help then I can hang out with Sky. Yay, spending time with Sky, but just a friendly hang out.

I'm just finishing exercise 8.2.

(Time skip)

I finished my homework and walked to Mr Azure's house. *knock *knock but there was no response. I tried again and Mr Azure opened the door. "Hi sir, is Shawn home?" Mr Azure looked annoyed. "No, his not. Why do you want to know?"

"I wanted to know if he needed some help with our homework." He still seemed annoyed. "Well his not home, so you can go." Just as I was about to go I asked Mr Azure "Sir is Sky home?" I wonder why his so annoyed. "Yes his home."

"Can I speak to him please?" He let me in but he didn't seem very happy to let me in. "Sky! There's someone to meet you!" Then Mr Azure went upstairs, I think he went to his room.

So I was alone in the lounge. I waited a few minutes, then I went upstairs, I know I'm not suppose to go roam around freely in someone's house but Mr Azure said Sky's home.

There were three doors I think that each one was a bedroom. I looked at the doors. One was a dark brown door with a sign saying "Mr and Mrs Azure." The other was a black door that said "keep out!" I'm pretty sure that's Shawn's room. The last door was a light blue door that said "Welcome to my room!🙂" that has to be Sky's door, I mean he is really nice. I went towards the door and knocked.

I heard no response so I knocked again. "I'M NOT OPENING THE DOOR, FATHER!" Woah I did not expect to get a scream in response. Mr Azure must've really done something bad to upset Sky. There's no way Sky is rude, his the nicest guy I've ever met. "Um, Sky it's me, Amy." I said in a soft and gentle tone.

(Sky POV)

I was sitting in my room and heard knocking on the door. Doesn't father understand that I don't want to talk to him. He kept knocking. "I'M NOT OPENING THE DOOR, FATHER!" He sometimes infuriates me. Then I heard an unexpected voice. "Um, Sky it's me, Amy." Whoops I shouldn't have yelled. I went to my door and opened it.

"Hey Amy, sorry about that." I said embarrassed. "It's fine, is there something bothering you, if you want you can tell me, we may be neighbors but your also my friend, are you okay?" Amy's nice and caring but I don't know if I can share this with her.

"Actually it's nothing, don't worry about it." I said while faking a smile. "Sky, I can tell your lieing, if it's hard to talk about it, I understand but if you do want to talk about it I'm all ears."



Hope you guys liked the chapter! 😁

Sky revealed to Amy that Shawn is in hospital

What's gonna happen to Shawn, is he gonna live or die? 🤔

What will happen if Mr Azure found out that Sky told Amy about Shawn?

Till next time 🙂

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