The Cheated Game

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So it's another big day. I'm pretty confident we'll win, we've trained so hard, well I've trained a little extra after practice. Now it's first period and it's the boring class of math. The worst part about math is our teacher, he talks so slowly and he makes math more boring than it is. I've fell asleep in his class a few times but I'm not the only who's fallen asleep in his class. Mr Johnson once caught me sleeping in his class, I was so embarrassed. After the long slow class of math we had English.

(Time skip)

It's time for the big game. The game began and we scored the first two goals. By half time the scores were 10-6. During the second half I didn't feel to good. I bounced the ball and as I was about to shoot, out of nowhere one of the rivals teammate pushed me against the bleachers and I injured my arm and leg. The referee called time out.

"Are you okay?" The team asked as they circled around me.

"Of course I'm fine." I responded and tried to get up but as I tried to get up I fell, my left leg was badly injured. It started to swell so I had to go to the school nurse. We lost the game the scores were 16-20. Losing this game feels like my fault, if I saw the person coming I could've still been able to play but there's nothing I can do now.

My brother helped me out of the nurses office, I had to use crutches to walk and my arm and leg were covered in bandages. James left me to go fetch the car when I overheard our rival school chatting about the game.

"Good thing you hit that Amy girl, Brian." Said Maddison. "Why wouldn't I have not smacked her, with Brickworth's best player out of the court we were sure to win." They both laughed.

"They cheated, I knew there was something fishy about those Navelwooders!" Ii whispered to myself, as I was thinking of ways to try and expose of them I noticed James had came back.

"Amy you ready to go?" James asked.

"Uh yeah I'm coming!" I responded.

When we got home I had to explain to my mom about why I returned home with bandages and a pair of crutches.

"Mom I'm kinda tired, I'm gonna go lie down." I tried to make an excuse to get away.

"Ok, rest up dear." I went to my room and called Samantha. I had to tell someone about those Navelwood students. I knew I can trust Samantha because we've been best friends since grade six.

I called her up, "Hey Sam, what's up?"

"Hi Amy, I was busy preparing for the weekend! What happened to you during the game?" She asked curiously.

"Listen I'll tell you what happened later but I found out that those Navelwood students cheated!" I informed her.

"I knew that something was weird about them so I investigated and guess what? I found a little evidence that could destroy their reputation!"


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!😉

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