4: The stupid mage and bratty demon (part three)

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The young mage reaches up and unbuttons his outer robe, shrugs off the garment, leaving him in a thin, sleeveless white tunic that is cinched at the waist and he advances towards the creature with strong, purposeful strides. Beneath the shapeless mage robes, the hapless summoner is all long slender limbs and lightly tanned skin with surprisingly toned muscles for someone who should have by all means been a 'young, squishy mage'-- which is what he was, before he decided to hit off the gym and got addicted to it.

The demon watches as the young mage approaches, wetting his lips in anticipation, eager eyes glisten pridefully. Had his master really been so quick to accept that the incubus is exactly what he truly wanted? Well, Yoongi is so flattered that he almost blushes. He praises himself for seducing yet another mortal, not that stealing a heart is much of a challenge for an incubus like him, what with his enchanting charisma and demonically perfect looks.

Bright emerald eyes flicker over the tight curves of the young mage's taut body. Jungkook may have been incomprehensibly stupid, but damn. With the way the mage's standing over him right now, the incubus' own stature barely reaching the mage's mid-neck, Yoongi thinks that the young mage is irresistibly sexy.

And he wants to have a taste of him.

However, all Jungkook does is drape his cloak over his bare shoulders. The demon's wings depress down to fold under the fabric as he's warmly wrapped in an over-sized robe.

The confusing gesture left Yoongi absolutely speechless.

What did he do wrong? Why is his master not pleased with his current form? The demon wonders how could that be possible. An incubus like him is never summoned by name, but by the inner desires of their conjurer. So why does this contract holder wants him covered, instead of on display or being used as he is supposed to be?

Yoongi doesn't understand.

Somehow not noticing the flabbergasted expression on the demon's face, Jungkook speaks sheepishly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to summon you. But since it looks like we'll be stuck together for a while, we should probably try to get along. I'm Jungkook, by the way. It's nice to meet you... Uh." Jungkook frowns as he tried to remember what the incubus had said when he introduced itself. But he hadn't exactly been paying that much attention since his life had been flipped upside down.

So Jungkook hazards a guess.


"Yoongi!" the incubus shrieks, hitting an ear piercing tone at his peak. "I told you my name is Yoongi! And nothing about this is nice! In all of the nine circles of hell I have never heard of anything so stupid!"

How could Yoongi have any respect for a master too clueless to draw a star facing the right direction? Even now Jungkook has a dumb expression plastered on his face. Yoongi hates it and he definitely hates him. It doesn't matter how sexy his master is; it doesn't make up for his advance-level stupidity.

The demon lets out a whimper as he contemplates to himself what did he do to deserve this kind of humiliation. Yoongi doubts a demon of his reputation would ever live down being accidentally bound to some amateur, when great and powerful warlocks have struggled to cast this spell.

After a long drawn out sigh, Yoongi looks back up into his master's face, with a bitter grin spread across his own. "If you don't want to be stuck with me then I would be happy to spare us the misery and just tear your heart out right now." It must have been so unsettling to see the adorable smile on his face, all gummy and wide, through such a cold violent threat. "See, then our nonsense contract will be broken, and we'll both be free of your embarrassing mistake."

Perfectly mistaken (yoonkook/sugakookie)Where stories live. Discover now