25: (Not so) lil meow meow (part one)

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"What the hell!?" Yoongi clings to his master as he, for some bizarre reason, takes a sudden leap off the dirt path and starts racing along the forest edge. Whatever is coming down the path ahead of them, Jungkook desperately wants to avoid it. He tries to lose them by slipping deeper into the forest, but it must have been the noise he makes as he hustles through the layers of discolored leaves littering the forest that gives their position away. Yoongi can see from behind them that there's a group of kids in uniforms following them.

Similar to Jungkook's, their outfits are just a different color and a little fancier. Why is his master so worried about his classmates? Yoongi hopes it isn't because Jungkook is worrying about getting caught with the demon. The demon can take care of himself just fine.

Unfortunately, it seems Yoongi can't say the same for Jungkook. After barely recovering from an upheaved root tripping him, Jungkook then stumbles right over a fallen trunk of rotting wood. Yoongi shrieks and jumps out of Jungkook's arms, fluttering his wings in panic, so at the very least he doesn't go crashing to the ground like his poor master did.

The decaying fall forest has little cover to hide behind and the other kids are hot on their tail. Yoongi scrambles to help Jungkook to his feet, but he feels the young mage's sense of panic when they heard the angry shouts from the group that is quickly closing in.

The way Yoongi's illusion magic is perceived can vary for each different person. Relying on it to trick an entire group of high powered mortals is way too risky. Good thing, Yoongi has many other tricks Jungkook has yet to learn.

With a subtle snap of his fingers, Yoongi appears to have vanished from sight. But Jungkook may have been too pre-occupied to notice what really had happened, having to also deal with the barrage of threats from the party of kids that are steadily closing in on him.

Jungkook almost wants to cry, his clumsiness has chosen the absolute worst possible time to act up; not that Jungkook is usually graceful in using his legs or anything, but he still prides himself on being decently dexterous. He would display a stunning lack of coordination occasionally which baffled Taehyung whenever he caught him in those situations; at how utterly he failed at remaining on his own two feet.

Jungkook hastily draws himself up but it's already too late and the Securities are upon them; one of the elite groups in charge of maintaining the peace and order at the Academia. Privately, Jungkook thinks they're just all stuck-up, rule-obsessed dicks, who enjoy lording their power over unsuspecting students and generally making asses of themselves.

"There you are, you little rat," the douchebag with the sunglasses sneers. "We were wondering what kind of filth would be brazen enough to use unsanctioned magic during class hours and knowing full well that this area is off limits!" Badge number 69 (Jungkook never bothered to learn his name) advances threateningly as his lackeys start to surround him.

Jungkook, on the other hand, is looking frantically around for Yoongi. He briefly recalls how the little demon had been thrown out of his arms when he tripped earlier but the demon's, still, should have been in sight. But maybe he's better off not here, Jungkook concludes. Demon summoning is definitely a violation of the school rules. A grave one at that.

The white mage in training turns his attention back to the Securities, inflecting an irritated scowl. Taehyung comes here all the damn time but these assholes never bother him. The fucking blatant discrimination. But then again Taehyung is one of the Hunters and messing with a Hunter is like winning an all-expenses paid trip to getting your ass kicked.

"I was just leaving anyway," Jungkook growls, bristling like an angry cat and starts to stalk off, only for a barrier to spring up in front of him, blocking his path off.

"Not so fast," asshole 69 sneers. "I think you could use some disciplining.

Jungkook stares at the asshole in incredulity. Did this asshat really have to do this? Now?! When Jungkook is exhausted and hungry and was almost deep fried with lightning and one short hungry demon familiar?

Jungkook decides, he's going to make him eat those stupid sunglasses. That asshole 69 dude.

Yoongi sits back, watching the scene unfold with a morbid sense of excitement. His master is, in fact, very powerful; Yoongi himself had felt it firsthand. He just doesn't know how to properly utilize and use his magical energy. But so are these security bullies, and there are three of them. The demon smirks, hopefully wishing to see some bloodshed.

Yoongi finds himself at the spot where he can enjoy the show thoroughly; somewhere close enough to get splattered with any blood spilled, but still somehow, remaining completely unnoticed. Now, if he only has a caramel popcorn and sweet soda then it'll be perfect. He can conjure mortal food with an ease, but he's still using the invisibility technique and he can't use two abilities at the same time. At least, not with his current state.

Had the group of thick-skulled teenagers not been so unobservant, they would have clearly seen Yoongi sitting there in his shape-shifted form, right in plain sight. But luckily for the demon, they seem to lack brain cells. Much more so than his stupid master.

With a magical barrier at Jungkook's back, and three thugs circling in on him, Yoongi assumes the fun is about to begin. The largest of the boys draws a weapon from behind his back and takes another step closer. In his grasp is a short metal staff, which on its own isn't very intimidating. But even Yoongi's eyes widen the moment the rod makes contact with the Security guard's gloved hand and a bright burst of sparks spill out from the magically charged weapon.

From the look on Jungkook's face, it seems he'd experience being on the wrong side of this kind of a weapon before. With a cocky grin, one of the security members taunts, "Don't make this any harder than it has to-" but he abruptly pauses, his grin turns to a perplexed frown as all eyes are drawn to the source of an unexpected sound.



Thank you so, so much for 11K+ reads. I appreciate it so much. 💜💕 Its been a while since i last updated this here huh? Oh and yeah, english isnt my native language and i dont have a betareader so i apologize for some technical/grammatical mistakes if yall found some. Im also bad with tenses, tbh, so yeah. ><

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