14: The same path (part four)

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“What the fuck was that?!”

"I don't know, but he was a total asshole!" Yoongi huffs, completely oblivious to the real question. As far as Yoongi knew, his master was caught up in the same illusionary spell that tricked Jimin into thinking the hellish beast was just an innocent boy.

The demon is starting to piece together the circumstances of the new life he's forced to live. He had come to accept that Jungkook is stupid magically incompetent (and that's why he had to go to school and study, right?) but what he now realizes is that this incompetency made his Master a social outcast. Yoongi dared not to dig deep enough into Jimin's brain to found out exactly what, but something awful must have happened between those two boys, and it left a huge emotional rift.

But what Yoongi really wants to know is who Taehyung is. Just the way his master says the name, replaces Jimin's lingering magical static with emotional tension that an incubus like Yoongi is inherently sensitive to. Whoever he is, he influences overwhelming feelings in his master and it leaves Yoongi feeling even hungrier than before this whole intrusion began.

"I'm just glad we're alone again."

Jungkook just gapes at the incubus in an outraged confusion, unable to even begin to explain what he finds so utterly wrong with this picture. There's no way in hell that Park Jimin would have backed off like that. The pipsqueak asshole obviously saw the summoning circle, even though it was obviously flawed, and when he saw Yoongi’s form, there was no way in hell that a four-year old couldn’t put the pieces together, let alone someone as eagle-eyed as Jimin is.

Wordlessly, Jungkook stalks over to where Yoongi is and reaches out, grabbing ahold of Yoongi’s still wagging tail, yanking on it almost harshly and ignoring the indignant little yelp that the incubus makes.

“What the fuck,” Jungkook repeats, tugging roughly on it again for emphasis, “...was that?! He just walks right out? He's a fucking demon slayer and he fucking walked out even after he saw your freaking tail?! What the hell did you do?!” Jungkook is filled with confusing mix of relief and bewilderment, that he completely forgets to be gentle. Or rein in his magic, which is now lashing out randomly with no channel to direct it, making the walls shudder and his jars rattle.

Each violent yank at his tail sends sharp bolts of pain right up Yoongi's spine, his master's carelessness once again leaves him sore. And not in a fun way, so its no surprise the incubus i upset. He hisses like a wild beast, baring his fangs. Maybe, if he tears Jungkook’s spine out, he'll understand how it feels to have someone tug on your tail. The amount of willpower the demon has, to not shove the other boy to the ground and share some of the pain is truly commendable.

Yoongi jerks his tail free from his master's abusive grip, and clings to it protectively. Then, something dawns onto him.

How does Jungkook even able to grab his tail to begin with?

It should have been magically concealed behind the power of Yoongi’s demonic magic. If he hears correctly--and for his sake, he really hoped he didn't--that short, pink haired boy who'd burst in just moments ago is some kind of demon slayer, and even with his experience, Yoongi managed to hide his horns and tail from his vision. But when the little incubus gazes up into the panicked confusion that fills Jungkook’s eyes, he gets an unsettling feeling that his master can somehow see right through his illusion spells.

Well, this will make his contract more challenging…

On the plus side of Yoongi’s enslavement, his new master is practically radiating with magic, Yoongi is close enough to, he can almost taste it. The air crackles with raw energy and once again results in something breaking. Yoongi's just glad it's not directed at him this time.

"He saw only what I wanted him to. And obviously it worked, didn't it?!" Yoongi barks back at Jungkook. "So why are you freaking out at me?" but he bites his tongue after that. Sure there are other things Yoongi wants to shout like 'touch me like that again and I'll tear your arm off' but unless Yoongi wants to be the target of his master's untamed magical outburst, he knows he shouldn't provoke the young mage.

There's something more important weighing on the incubus. "If that jerk is really a demon slayer then I should be the one freaking out." Yoongi is still clinging to his tail protectively. "So next time he bothers us..." he speaks so calm, with a sweetness that makes what comes next, completely unexpected, "...you distract him, and I'll come up from behind and... bam!" Yoongi suddenly squeaks and points at one of the ingredient jars that filled Jungkook’s bookshelf. It instantly explodes in a flurry of glass shards and some kind pink powdered dust. Messy, but Yoongi figures since his master is doing it, he's allowed to, right? "I'll blow his head off. And then, problem solved," he says, beaming.

Jungkook's obviously not happy, looking just as perplexed as before as he mulls over Yoongi’s words. "Made him see only what you wanted him to see?" he repeats to himself. After a beat, he frowns as the light of comprehension finally dawns on his face. Yoongi uncharitably thinks that he's witnessing a miracle. "You can make illusions...?"

If it's possible, Jungkook’s heart sinks even further. Illusions are the weakest class of magic there is. Half the time they don't even work if the target's will is too strong... or if they have no imagination.

That almost completely dashes whatever hopes Jungkook has of getting to be a front line fighter any time soon. White mages are usually relegated to the back row, or stuck in the infirmary. Unless they have a powerful familiar, they can kiss their chances at ever seeing live combat goodbye. Well, not that Jungkook has been counting on the little demon for that anyway.

Jungkook is now utterly curious as to who or what Jimin thinks he's seeing when he looks at the demon, though he isn't really sure if he really wants to know. He doesn't even notice or care that Yoongi had engaged in wanton destruction of more of his stuff; it will not be very sporting if he does. Though it's probably because he's far too used to the sound of jars shattering to pay it any mind. All his important possessions are behind a shatterproof ward.

But Yoongi’s vicious little plan to deal with Jimin does catch his attention. Jungkook's face twists into a resentful scowl as he rubs at his still-smarting forehead from where Jimin smacks the door into. "Stupid Jimin," he mutters with a surprising amount of bloodlust but it carries an undercurrent of guilt. "If he hates me so much then why the fuck does he keep bothering me?" Then his mood does a complete one-eighty and Yoongi begins to wonder if his stupid master is actually brain damaged.

Jungkook suddenly cracks an incredibly adorable grin and reaches out to ruffle Yoongi’s hair affectionately.

The young mage beams at the incubus almost sweetly, something in his heart warming up to see the little demon behave almost protectively over him. It's a very rare feeling. At one point it's something that Taehyung has done to him. But those memories have soured now, tainted by what had happened between them.

Despite the fact that Yoongi’s mere presence opens up a whole can of flesh-eating worms, Jungkook is grateful for his company.

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