28: Rein in (part one)

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It’s been four days since Jungkook and Yoongi become magically bound to each other unanticipatedly. It’s four days full of risky spars that always result in Jungkook covered with bruises and haphazard, ragged scratches running along his skin, and a few broken bones. Yoongi’s always coming out of the battle, unscathed, however.

But despite all of that, Jungkook doesn’t know what an incubus is, still.

The white mage contemplated about it in a rather thorough manner though. He did try to seek out for it, but he couldn’t find an information about the incubus in his notes, so he just threw his hands in defeat, concluding that it doesn’t really matter as long as he knows that Yoongi isn’t a little weakling demon that he had previously thought. Besides, Jungkook likes surprises. He likes to satiate his curiosity by discovering things on his own without relying to written treatises.

By the time the boys make it back to Jungkook’s dorm room after another round of sparring, Yoongi has nearly forgotten about the mess that is waiting there for them.

It's always like this. Yoongi did to try clean up the thrashed place once, only to end up in the state it was before again a few hours later after Jungkook's done with his magical experiments that always lead into failures upon failures. The demon didn't know how his Master could manage to do that, but frankly, he reckoned that his attempts were going to be futile no matter how many times he scrub the floor squeaky clean or rearrange the bookshelves in a neat manner, so he eventually gave up cleaning Jungkook's mess. Jungkook didn't seem to mind living in this filthiness anyway, always reasoning that his place is at least, still "inhabitable", which makes the demon’s blood boils.

But still, Yoongi can't get used to the stench of his hoard, and he can smell it now, the moment the door cracks open. Yoongi recoils overdramatically and sighs in disgust, "Your home is always worse than a filthy dragon hoard." How can Jungkook deny it when the obvious evidence is right there - the mage forcefully shoving the door and all the crap piled behind it just to get it to open all the way?

"Ewww..." Yoongi mutters after stepping on something squishy and wet that he can't identify. With that, the incubus decides to start flapping his tiny wings softly and hover above all the trash on the ground. Yoongi has no idea what other gross surprises are waiting for him and really, he doesn't want to find out.

Yoongi doesn't bother waiting for Jungkook to even take off his boots before he starts to nag, "Why does it smell so funny? What did you do again?"

The judgmental little demon is glancing around the room, searching for the source of the stench, but to no avail because there's junk everywhere. Overstuffed bookshelves climb up the walls and the books spill out onto the floor, which are barely visible beneath the layer of clothing and discarded papers. Yoongi wonders how many times Jungkook got lost his homework in this mess, considering his desk is a total disaster.

But Jungkook’s bed is without a doubt the most disappointing part of Yoongi’s new living situation. The reason why he's sleeping from inn to inn instead of Jungkook's bed for almost three days now because how can they even have any fun, let alone sleep, with a pile of useless junk stacked on the bed?

"I really don't know how can you even sleep there."

Jungkook flushes deeply, wincing as he takes in the sight of his room. Now that he really looks at it… it really does look like a mess, doesn’t it? He's about to kick off his boots but another look at the wound on his leg makes him decide not to. He self-consciously tries to straighten up some of the mess by shuffling papers around on his deck but only succeeds in knocking over a pile of books, feeling the judging weight of his new familiar’s stare at his back. This makes him finally realize just how long since he has the motivation to properly clean out his room; lately he has been too tired and stressed to do much about the accumulation of filth in his tiny room. Always promising himself that he’d pick up something later, tossing his clothes on the floor because he hadn’t wanted to spend an extra couple of minutes to sort out his laundry basket. It's not surprising that Yoongi is so unhappy to be his familiar.

“I...” Jungkook vaguely mumbles something embarrassedly that is too muffled for Yoongi to even make out the first time. When Yoongi shoots him an unimpressed look, he repeats himself grudgingly. “There was an accident with a baby manticore sometime ago I think I might have forgotten to throw it out. But uh… I can’t find it anymore.”

"How do you lose something like that and how come I never knew of it and found it when I decided to clean this place? Ugh!" Yoongi’s spits, feeling insulted by his Master's apparent apathy towards his disgusting room. Frustrated, he turns away and mumbles to himself, "Well it's not the grossest thing I've ever seen..." he sighs loud enough for Jungkook to hear before he continues to grumble, "...but I'm sure as hell not going to clean up this junk again."

Yoongi’s wings carry him over to the bed that he's so unimpressed with. He stands on the cleanest corner of it, on a small mound of clothing. His vision slowly roams across the room with his eyes wide in horror, as he imagines where exactly a rotting manticore corpse could be hiding.

On second thought, Yoongi doesn't want to find out. The demanding little demon crosses his arms in protest and huffs, "This place is really disgusting. You might as well let a gross dragon live here. It may feel at home in this hoard of yours than I could ever feel!"

Jungkook instinctively bristles a little like he wants to argue... but realizes he really can't. He's always been a little messy but never to this extent. Lately he'd been too tired and spent to really care. Taehyung had always scolded him about it and kept him in line whenever he felt his side of the room was starting to look too much like a disaster.

With Taehyung gone... well, there really isn't anyone else to remind him to shape up.

"It's not that bad," Jungkook protests halfheartedly, but both of them know that it really is. "I can get it clean in a couple of hours," he claims but his own voice sounds dubious even to himself.

"You always say that bullshit everytime and look where that got you," Yoongi snarls, rolling his eyes. "Nothing."

Jungkook ignores the little demon as he begrudgingly stalks over to the bed and huffily starts to yank books and clothing off of it even though he really has nowhere else to put them. His shelves are all completely full and his chairs are already overflowing with his stuff. He spies a stack of books that are slightly less precarious-looking so he tosses them over to join the pile.

Well if Yoongi were a dragon then maybe he wouldn't have a problem with his 'dragon hoard', Jungkook resentfully thinks. He has to count to 10 to avoid blurting that out because it will probably ruin all the progress they have managed to get.

"Maybe I can get rid of some stuff...?" Jungkook suggests hesitantly. He has lived like this for so long that the smell no longer bothers him. Maybe Yoongi’s nose is just oversensitive?

As annoying it is for Jungkook hearing Yoongi complain about the state of his room, the young mage can't help himself but feel a little happy to have someone to nag at him again.

Even if it's a blood-sucking demon.


Anyhoo, i made a fanart of incubus yoongi in this fic. XD I know its terrible but i tried my best drawing and capturing his slutiness tho 😔

 XD I know its terrible but i tried my best drawing and capturing his slutiness tho 😔

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