12: The same part (part two)

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"Please, Master," the demon pleads with a tearful whimper. "Tell me what it is you want from me."

Jungkook isn't quite sure how Yoongi thought munching on his bones would equate to pleasing him but he applied the same strategy he used for when he encountered a bit of magical theory that he just couldn't wrap his head around; by ignoring it, hoping it wouldn't be tested later.

Jungkook heaves another deep sigh while he lets his hand rest on Yoongi’s fluffy blond hair.

The question puts him on the spot; like it's an exam he didn't study for... again. Jungkook acknowledged that, as a mage, he had a lot of room for improvement. He just isn't suited for the intricacies that are paramount when it comes to studying his art.

Theories are dreadfully dull and confusing and the only things he really have going for him is a ridiculously overstuffed magical core. He would have been so much happier as a knight or a paladin and spend his days riding around and slaying monsters, rather than memorizing formulas  All he really wanted to do was to go out and smack things around with a pointy stick.

But that dream died in its infancy when he lost control for the first time and flattened the orphanage he had lived in. And then came the hooded magisters, spouting some nonsense about prodigies and mandatory enrollment, persuading him and the next thing he knew, he's stuck with a bunch of nerds and a collar around his neck.

He had read that a member of the arcane forces could be contracted with in exchange for a steady supply of mana. Although very few magisters could be bothered to deal with the constant mana drain, Jungkook saw the ritual as his chance to be free of this stupid, restrictive collar. He had desperately hoped for an ancient, powerful familiar who could temper him and guide him, and could handle the strain of his stupidly vast reserves. According to his Astromancy professor--who's one of the few that he actually liked, even if he's always hanging around with his grumpy Chronomancy professor--Jungkook would need contract with at least an A-class Familiar, to avoid having his new partner implode on him.

That was a cheery thought.

Jungkook had had his heart set on appealing to a Three-Headed Dragon, the rarest and most powerful type of dragon, because if he's going to pursue a pipe dream, he might as well go after the biggest freaking pipe there is.

Instead, he got Yoongi. Adorable, tiny, probably flesh eating Yoongi who looks about as likely to go on a monster-slaying expedition as Jungkook could go perform ballet in front of millions of people. Meaning, it's hopeless.

Maybe, it isn't entirely fair to judge Yoongi by his looks, but Jungkook would rather play it safe than have to go down in history as the only mage stupid enough to implode his own familiar. Jungkook heaves another sigh and clamps down tightly on his magic, trying to ignore how it bubbles under his skin in agitation.

The young mage absently gives Yoongi another pet on his hair before he pulls back, uncomfortable with prolonged skin contact. He still hasn't answered the question. What did he want from the demon? He hopes to still salvage the situation and make the partnership work somehow. He must have summoned Yoongi for a reason, right? So he should at least try to get to know him and his abilities better.

A shrill bell rings through the dorm, signaling that he's missing class for the fourth straight day but Jungkook had gotten so used to ignoring it that he doesn't even jump. He gives the little demon a helpless shrug. To be completely honest; he has no fucking clue what he's going to do with him.

"I was looking for a battle partner," Jungkook admits sheepishly, rubbing the back of his damp hair in discomfort. "But I was expecting a dragon and not you. So. Uh," he trails off to rack his brains again for something to say but he's saved from further floundering by a sharp rap on his door.

"Hey," an irritated voice growls. "Get your useless ass to class before I drag you out by your stupid coconut hair. Don't think I won't!"

Almost as quickly as Jungkook has pushed away from his embrace, Yoongi is back clinging to his master. The sound of the door being cracked open makes the incubus squeak. Realizing that being caught by Jungkook’s school-mate is an inconvenience, Yoongi cloaks his horrifically-demonic and nearly-naked form behind a shroud of illusion magic.

He peaks out from behind his master's back, now appearing as someone who could easily be mistaken as a kid from Jungkook’s class. His demonic features are magically concealed, leaving Yoongi looking so much cute and innocent than ever before. His new clothing mimics the design of one of the school robes he'd seen discarded on the bed earlier when Yoongi is poking around his dorm room, except, he'd conjured the robes up shorter than necessary, just a little below the knee, showing off his slender legs.

Just because the incubus had the power to do so; the illusion weak-minded mortals would see when looking at him, is that of an androgynous boy. The last thing Yoongi wants is to get his brand new master executed for getting caught being some kind of hedonistic sodomite. Best they think he's screwing around with some cute boy, than the reality of summoning up an evil sex demon.

Jungkook is torn between panicking and getting indignant at the newcomer, making fun of his hair.

“Stuff it, pipsqueak!” Jungkook shouts and without paying the boy clinging to his arm any mind, the mage hurriedly rushes forward, leaning his weight against the door to stop it from opening any further. His mind is a whirl as he now struggled with the very real possibility that he's going to get caught. “And go away! I’m busy.”

And the worst part is that it's fucking Park Jimin who's standing superciliously on the other side of that door.


Park motherfucking Jimin is gonna come through, bitches. ✊

Spoiler, yes, he and Jungkook are mortal rivals here. 😂👌

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