15: The same path (last part)

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"Jimin is an S-class mage," Jungkook explains, shaking with mirth at the thought of cute, tiny Yoongi trying to go against someone as monstrous as Park Jimin, despite them having almost the same height. "He has enough firepower to flatten a small army by himself. As much as I think he's a smug, stuck up asshole who would look better without his face, I doubt we can take him on." Of course, it's impossible. A white mage and an illusionist going against a One-Man-Army? Jungkook almost snorts at the idea.

Especially not, since it will make Taehyung upset and despite everything, that alone is something he can't stand.

"Awww!" Yoongi whines in protest, pouting like a child, his little wings match his frown, drooping expressively in disappointment. The incubus just sighs, his eyes darting around the cluttered floor for a long while. He contemplates what it means to be bound to someone who attends the same school as people who proclaim their pride in the extinction of his species. Regardless of what his master's shallow opinion of Yoongi’s skills, the demon will certainly rank as an 'S-class', or even above that, if Yoongi cares about some silly mortal-made scale. The demon refuses to let Park Jimin or his rank intimidate him.

Dismissing even the possibility of a demonslayer getting the best of him, Yoongi shakes his head and then throws himself into his master's arms unexpectedly. With a misleadingly sweet tone, Yoongi leans into his ear and hauntingly whispers, "Don't worry. We will kill him while he's sleeping. He'll never see it coming." And then, he pushes away from Jungkook, giggling unsettlingly. "But that's for later," he says with his eyes wandering up the body of the boy standing before him. Those slits on the thighs of his leather pants catches Yoongi’s attention and fills him with temptation.

"Now, we should pick up where we left off." Yoongi licks his lips, but he imagines licking that teasing bit of exposed skin his master's showing off, in a vain effort to appease the hunger that knotted up his stomach.

Poor oblivious Jungkook should have done his homework before summoning up the forces of eternal darkness. Maybe then, he would have understood what Yoongi meant when he says, "You're going to feed me, aren't you?"

But unfortunately, he does not and consequently has no idea what the incubus is referring to. Jungkook gives Yoongi an awkward little pat, feeling just the tiniest bit uneasy at how gleeful and serious he sounded about murdering Park Jimin in his bed. It doesn't seem very sporting; Jungkook much prefers a fight on even grounds. But he dismisses it as mostly harmless venting.

"Well, maybe if you hid when you were supposed to, you wouldn't have to worry about Park fucking Jimin," Jungkook mutters uncharitably under his breath in a way that Yoongi probably isn't meant to hear. He's still a little resentful from the conniption fit he almost had when he saw Yoongi march up to approach one of the deadliest demon hunters their academy had ever produced.

But this brings Jungkook to his latest problem. What exactly is he going to feed him? He's still operating under the incorrect assumption that Yoongi feeds on human flesh. Maybe he can convince the demon to substitute that with animal meat for now?

"Wait," Jungkook hastily says. "Stay right here while I go get something." At the unconscious command, an invisible force wraps around the incubus, compelling him to remain in place as his scatterbrained master disappears through a set of doors that Yoongi hadn't even notice due to a small mountain of stacked crates that obscure the exit.

This leaves Yoongi with nothing to do but take a closer look at his new filthy home. Upon second glance, the place is really not as small as it looks. If they get rid of Jungkook’s piles of junk, that is. There's literally a massive pile of stuff that looks like it belongs in a scrap heap lying next to his work table along with the jars-- jars of unidentified spell ingredients. There's even a jar of something that looks like a bunch of furry tails that makes him shudder in disgust.

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