16: The possessive little demon (part one)

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Double update coz why the hell not? Lol


Meanwhile, while Yoongi is busy hating the joke the cosmos is making of his life, Jungkook is rushing through the halls, his bookbag slung haphazardly over a shoulder. The people in the halls shoot him dirty looks and give him a wide berth, none of them wanting to be the first he barrels into.

Jungkook rounds the corner, sharply hops onto the elevator, the glowing green disc--which serves as their elevator--slowly descending down into the north tower’s lower levels. He taps his foot impatiently, and either he doesn't notice or pretend not to see the way the other students on the disc, slowly backing away from him, staring at him like he's a ticking bomb. When the disc approaches his destination, he leaps right off, even though there's still about two stories left to go.

As the others let out collective shouts of horror, Jungkook lands nimbly on the marble floors, tucking himself into a roll to soften the impact as he continues to run.

And at last, Jungkook makes it to his classroom and barrels through the doors, breathing hard. “Sorry, I’m late,” he mumbles as about a hundred pairs of eyes swivel disapprovingly into his direction.

The professor scowls at him, his moustache twitching angrily as he opens his mouth to reprimand him, but Jungkook has already plopped himself into a chair at the very back of the lecture hall. The professor turns red with fury but swallows it down and waves angrily at the board as the complex algorithms shimmer and rearrange themselves.

Jungkook pulls his textbook and study notes out, dropping them hastily onto his desk but his eyes are already beginning to glaze over in boredom and incomprehension. Somewhere near the front, a boy with lilac hair turns around, trying to catch his eye but Jungkook pretends to be engrossed in his textbook.

The young mage sighs and wonders why he even bother to show up. Aside from the painfully boring classes, he doesn't want to see Namjoon. Or the lilac haired boy a few seats away from him. Not yet. But at least, this gives him some time away from Yoongi so he can sort out his thoughts about what to do. Absently, another doodle starts to take form right on top of his pages which looks like a little fluffball with horns and wings.

Then something smacks him in the face and Jungkook scowls at the offending paper airplane that is lying innocuously on his desk and shoots a glare up at the boy in the front row who is now staring meaningfully at him with his big, shiny eyes. Jungkook gives in and unravels the note, lest the other boy starts pelting him with more paper.

Are you okay?

Jungkook hastily scrawls back, I’m fine, and magically sends it flying back into the back of the other boy's head before trying to actually make an attempt to concentrate, but another airplane smacks him between his eyes.

You were gone for three days.

Jungkook can literally feel the disapproval bleeding through the words. He angrily scribbles back, You’re not my keeper. Then there's a pause and Jungkook feels a pinprick of guilt hitting him and he looks back over to the front, just in time to catch the next plane before it hits him in the eye.

Can we talk? Please?

A lump rises up in Jungkook’s throat and he finally lets himself meet the lilac haired’s eyes and his shoulders suddenly slump. All thoughts of the lecture or even of what he's going to do about Yoongi are suddenly chased from his mind as he scribbles a single word in the paper.



Back at the dorms, the little incubus is not content with sitting around and waiting for his master to come home. It's no fun.

There's practically nothing interesting in the young mage's messy room, and all Yoongi really wants anyways is to play with his new master. Yoongi simply can't wait a moment longer so he decides to go out, looking for Jungkook.

Yoongi wanders through the hallways of Jungkook’s prestigious magic academy, cloaked in the same illusion Park Jimin, the demonslayer, had been tricked by. The only ones who pay him any notice seems to be more concerned with the immodesty of his slender, milky legs being exposed as he's only wearing short shorts underneath the short robes, than anything else. Yoongi doesn't mind the attention, especially when it comes from cute mages.

Jungkook’s stupid accident is turning out to be quite the opportunity for the little demon. Everywhere he looks there are young beautiful mortals overflowing with magical energy, and radiating with a blissful innocence Yoongi can't wait to destroy.

The demon wanders aimlessly through the school's corridors. But Yoongi is just following his instincts. Having his soul magically bound to his Master's means he can inherently sense the other boy, like an invisible leash that keeps him bound to his contract holder. Following that feeling does not steer Yoongi in the wrong direction. Down the hall in the distance, Yoongi catches the sight of Jungkook.

There's no mistaking his master's coconut, brown hair, doe eyes and clueless expression, even from afar. He's standing around against the wall of the busy hallway, looking awkward as always, and a bit flustered.

Yoongi rushes to Jungkook's side and suddenly clings onto his arm. With how silently sneaky Yoongi has been, to Jungkook it will seem that the demon has just appeared out of thin air. Making it all the more unsettling when Yoongi cheers joyfully.

"Master, I missed you!"


Ohohohoho. We got a lil drama with taekook here lol

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