18: The possessive little demon (last part)

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Quadruple update bcoz ARMY has four letters and hell fucking yeah, lezz go Adorable Representative MC for Youth and i know y'all thinking what kinda bullshit is that? At this point, I'm just spamming y'all 😂👌

Anyways, the title of this chapter and the previous chapters say it all. Possessive, jealous yoongles is 💯💯💯.


Poor Yoongi is left standing there, feeling confused and looking as clueless as his master usually does. The magical discharge still tingles under his skin and has his little hairs standing on end. If Yoongi isn't a demon with magical hardenized skin, that burst of energy may have actually hurt.

But what's far more painful is hearing that his master is more concerned with this stupid Taehyung kid, than his familiar. Yoongi hadn't exactly pieced together the details of the Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship but whatever's going on between them, Yoongi hates it.

Jealousy strikes Yoongi as quickly as that electric bolt from Jungkook had and the look of shock in his face at the realization suddenly twists into disgust as he finds himself alone with the boy that stirred up so many feelings in his master.

Yoongi stands there, shooting a deadly glare towards Taehyung. He sounds so spiteful as he spits out, "You heard him, right? Stay away from us because he's mine now." The demon is almost giving away his sharpened fangs for Taehyung to see, barely concealed behind his illusion magic.

If anything, this only makes Taehyung more hostile and he glares with a quiet sort of menace at Yoongi, easily towering over the little incubus. A dark aura springs to life around him, his eyes taking on a faint, violet glow.

“Jungkook doesn’t belong to anyone,” Taehyung snarls, clenching his hands into fists. “He’s not a possession. And I don’t think you deserve to be around him if you don’t understand that.” Something isn’t sitting right with the other, the lilac haired boy’s instincts as a hunter are screaming at him.

This ‘Yoongi’ who came out of nowhere; he's convinced he has never seen anyone like him in the campus before until today. And Jungkook looked more than uneasy earlier; he looked frightened almost, though Taehyung doesn't dismiss the idea that maybe a part of that could have been attributed to him losing control of his innate magic. But still, a small part of him had also bristled at seeing this Yoongi digging his nails into Jungkook’s arm as he tried to order him around.

Taehyung takes a step forward. “Who exactly are you?”

The demon is lacking all sense of self-preservation as he chooses to continue this confrontation instead of running off while he has the chance. Yoongi takes a step forward as well, looking up to meet Taehyung’s judgmental gaze.

Their eyes lock and in that moment, the whites in Yoongi’s eyes illuminate a dim glow. Yoongi’s manipulating powers extends farther than just his sugary-sweet looks. He's capable of messing with the minds of mortals and often would do so just for fun.

But Taehyung has a dangerous aura that Yoongi has no intention of playing around with. Yoongi can feel the lilac haired boy’s suspicions growing so he limits his magic to spells that are only quick and subtle. He uses his demonic powers to corrupt a select few memories highlighted in Taehyung’s short life, forcing innocent memories of himself right into the boy's brain. Now, as far as Taehyung can remember, Yoongi is Jungkook’s younger classmate, having the incubus' face artificially inserted into the background of a handful key memories.

"Taehyung. You know who I am." Yoongi seals his spell with those words and blinks away the lingering glow in his wide emerald eyes. "And you're the one who doesn't deserve him. You never did."

Taehyung blinks, breaking the eye contact, but the damage is already done. He winces slightly, a hand reaching for his temples as the new flood of edited memories assaults his brain. Suddenly, he can remember seeing the boy from somewhere, but he still can't shake the feeling that there's something off about the boy, the feeling still lingering in the air. The smaller boy feels like smoke, his magic intangibly sliding off of him whenever he tries to reach out to get a grasp of it.

Taehyung's reservations aside, had Yoongi been a perfectly normal boy, he still wouldn’t have wanted him anywhere near Jungkook, especially with the possessive, vicious look in his bright emerald, feline eyes-- one that suits his face much more than the false, simpering one he had given Jungkook earlier. The seemingly innocent-looking boy in front of him reeks of deceit and Taehyung hates it.

“I don’t know you,” Taehyung resolutely says. He believes that a handful of memories is hardly enough to know a person. "And I never said I deserved him. Jungkook and I… That’s our business and you have no right to intrude on that."

With those parting words, Taehyung strides right past Yoongi to signal that the conversation between them has ended and he trudges down the corridor, opposite to the one that Jungkook had fled onto. He wants to go after Jungkook, but he respects his wishes because he knows he needs some space.

Anything to do with his master is now Yoongi’s self-proclaimed business. Especially when it has to do with his love life. Or lack thereof, it seems.

When using his magic, Yoongi is overly cautious. The demon didn't spare any more time than necessary skimming through Taehyung's memories, but he's able to pick up enough information to make sense of their relationship. He saw clear images of the two young men living together, sharing a dorm room, being happy together.

Seeing those memories, it disgusts the demon to no end.

Whatever pitiful little love affair Jungkook and Taehyung had before, Yoongi ensures to himself that it will stay dead and buried.

Yoongi huffs at Taehyung’s retreating back. "This is your only warning. Just stay away from us!" he shouts, desperate to get the last word. But the coward doesn't stop, he doesn't even look back. Yoongi stomps his foot against the ground and finds himself unable to do anything but growl to himself about how much he despises Jungkook’s stupid lilac haired schoolmate.

After Taehyung disappears from his sight, Yoongi hastily begins to trace his master's path to track him down.

Too bad for poor Jungkook, there's no way he can hide from the incubus, since they're magically bound by the contract.


So what exactly goes on with taekook, y'all wonder? 👀 Stay tuned. ;)

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