11: The same path (part one)

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Back in the study, Jungkook makes a clumsy beeline to his over-stuffed dressers, stumbling and cursing when he snags his bare foot on a discarded boot. Hastily, he yanks open the wardrobe and grabs the first shirt and pair of pants that he can reach and yanks them on.

The sleeveless white top turns out to be a bit too small for him (but his outfit choices are limited since he hadn't done a laundry in weeks) and ends just at his midriff. It looks like he may have accidentally grab his combat gear instead, since his trousers are in protective black leathers with long slits cut along the sides for movement. Feeling just a bit too underdressed for his liking--with an unconfirmed flesh eating demon in his bathroom to booth--Jungkook pulls on his white mage robes, which hang just below his knees and has way too many zippers, buckles and jams his feet into the discarded boots.

Once he's fully dressed, Jungkook heaves a deep sigh, absently reaching up to fiddle with his collar that had grown uncomfortably hot from his outburst. He'll have to get a new one made soon, if what happened with Yoongi is any indication. His eyes dart back to the bathroom door in trepidation, but when the incubus shows no signs of tearing out after him, his shoulders slump in relief.

As far as unmitigated disasters went, that could have gone a lot worse, Jungkook consoles himself. At the very least he hadn't gone berserk and almost killed someone again like what happened to his previous roommate.

But now that the panic had died down and his thoughts and feelings are his own again, guilt weighs heavily in the pit of his stomach at how he had lost control and hurt his familiar; the very boy that he's now responsible for protecting. Jungkook heaves another long, frustrated sigh at how poorly things are already going for them.


Yoongi is hurt, and not from the bump on his head. Rejection is not something an incubus takes well. But no matter how much he wanted to scream at his stupid senseless contract holder, if he does, then he'll just be much less likely to get fed.

It becomes clear to Yoongi that he needs a different approach to charm the pathetic virgin he's accidentally bound to.

"M-Master?" Yoongi squeaks from the doorway of the bathroom. He clings to himself and hugs his nearly naked form comfortingly.

As if on cue, the incubus’ eyes begin to sparkle with glistening tears, one of which trickles down his rosy cheek as he sniffles over-dramatically and whimpers, "I don't understand!" He barely gets the words out before breaking into a hysterically sobbing, hiding the phony tears behind his palms. "Why would you want to hurt me? I'm just so hungry!"

At the sight of the little demon's (false, but what his master doesn't know can't hurt him) tears, Jungkook looks stricken, shame gnawing at his insides like a ravenous parasite. The teary-eyed demon clearly doesn't seem to even realize that he had done anything wrong, likely only acting on the instinct to feed. If anything, this further cemented in his mind the incorrect belief that Yoongi is a very young, impulsive teen that Jungkook is now responsible for looking after.

Jungkook cautiously approaches the incubus again, ignoring how logic is shrieking for him to get the hell away from the demon that had been more than happy to take a bite out of him less than ten minutes ago. But at this point, he's willing to give Yoongi the benefit of a doubt; he'd been so desperate for a familiar, and while it had some unintended results, Jungkook owes it to them both to try to make this work.

They don't really have a choice.

He can work with a flesh eating demon. Probably. Although it's a little disturbing for someone so small and cute being like that, Jungkook figures that a lot of other mages have familiars that are not averse to a bite of human flesh every now and then. He might have had to deal with that issue too, had he succeeded in summoning an actual dragon familiar.

(Meanwhile, Logic throws up its hands in disgust and abandons the dumb mage to his fate.)

Jungkook steels his nerves and wraps his arms around the demon, hugging him to his chest. "I'm sorry," he apologizes again. "I didn't mean to smack you around like that. I just..." Jungkook pauses trying to fish around for the right words. 'I didn't sign up to be your brunch' rolls around in his head but he dismisses that as being too insensitive so he says instead, "I don't think we should be taking baths together, okay?"

Jungkook brushes his hands across Yoongi’s fluffy blond hair and winces a bit in sympathy when he feels a rather sizable bump, inwardly wilting a bit when he realizes just how fragile Yoongi’s petite body seems to be. On one hand he feels absolutely rotten for being a goddamn abuser. But on the other, he starts to feel despair; how is he supposed to fight monsters in the field now when his familiar is so frail?

"I'm sorry," the young mage repeats again, his hands lighting up in a soothing white glow, pressing them against Yoongi’s injury and chants a basic healing spell. But with his overabundance of magical energy, the cure's potency is magnified several times over to the point that it could have gotten rid of a bloody, gaping wound, let alone a little bruise.

An airy gasp, almost like a moan, escapes Yoongi’s lips as the feeling of his master's magic floods over him. He squeezes himself tightly into Jungkook’s chest, getting as close as he can snuggle without stabbing the boy with his sharp horns. The warmth of the mage's white magic fills every inch of his body. It fades to a lingering tingling sensation and makes Yoongi feel so relaxed, he practically melts into his master's arms.

Although it's nowhere near as fulfilling as a proper feeding, Yoongi feels that stealing any kind of energy is pleasurable. If Jungkook had bothered to do his homework he'd know that an incubus needs to feed off sexual energy in order to sustain themselves. Vampiristic demons like Yoongi also enjoys siphoning off magical power. They love to manipulate emotions and influence feelings powerful enough to absorb the strength of. That's exactly why Yoongi’s tears are fabricated; they're designed to influence potent emotional energy. Yoongi would have settled for some self-pitying feelings from his master and maybe a few tears, but he never expects to be overwhelmed with the delicious taste of his new contract holder’s raw magical power.

"I'm so sorry. I scared you," Yoongi sniffles, burying his face into his master's chest. "I'm just so eager to please you."

That's one of the few truthful things he's said. As Yoongi is bound to this boy--whether he liked it or not--he depends on Jungkook to be his primary source of food. And being that his new master keeps insisting their bound is just an accident, Yoongi is still a little worried that his master's just a too pathetic virgin, scared of him.

Or worse...what if he's just too straight?!

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