13: The same path (part three)

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Suspicious slitted, brown eyes glare at him through the narrow wedge. “Busy trying to do what, exactly?” Jimin sneers. “Doing the world a favor by drowning yourself in the toilet?”

“Just fuck off!” Jungkook exclaims eloquently, but there's a thread of desperation creeping up into his voice as the demon’s grip on his arm tightens. He could have cried from frustration; why couldn’t he get a demon familiar with enough sense to figure out that he should have made himself fucking scarce?!

Jimin scowls at him instead. “I would love to ‘fuck off’,” he says and Jungkook can hear the air quotes as he did. “But for some reason, Tae cares whether you actually live... or die pathetically like the mutt that you are.”

“Well, good for him,” Jungkook mutters resentfully, feeling a pit dropping into his stomach at the mention of the other boy. His throat tightens as unpleasant memories wells up in his head and he tries to force the door shut but stupid Park Jimin has the audacity to wedge his foot in the gap.

“What are you hiding in there?” Jimin demands, his eyes narrowing like a predator about to dig its talons into its prey’s soft underbelly. Then, without warning, he pushes the door hard enough to send it smacking into Jungkook’s face, making the latter let go with a yelp.

While Jungkook is swearing and nursing the bruise on his forehead, the short, pink haired man has swept into the room, his long coat trailing behind him as he looks around the place with a scowl. His eyes narrow further when he sees the remains of Jungkook’s failed summoning circle etched into the floorboards and he whirls around furiously.

“What. Is. This?” Jimin demands, glaring daggers at the mage. Then his eyes finally alight on Jungkook’s companion, that's still clutching at his arm and staring up at him with large, liquid emerald eyes.

"...What?" Jimin repeats again, but sounding only half as angry as confusion seeps into his voice.

"Excuse you," the incubus says in a deep, gruffy voice at the moment Jimin first makes eye contact with him. And perhaps that's what gives the pink haired boy the biggest shock. Not so much that coconut-for-brains is skipping class to fool around, but he's actually fooling around.

Yoongi stands with his hands on his hips and doesn't hesitate to get right up into Jimin's face. "Just who do you think you are, butting in here, uninvited?" he spits.

His wide emerald eyes lock on to the amber sparkle in Jimin's, as the demon tries to read the latter's mind. By doing that, Yoongi learns that this mage is a little older and a lot wiser than the novice he's bound to. Jimin is powerful but he keeps his magic reserved. Unlike Jungkook, his skills are properly sharpened to a point where Yoongi fears probing too deep into his private thoughts, as it will alert any good mage and end up giving away Yoongi’s secret.

Yoongi's eyes narrow to a glare as he snaps, "Get out!" From what little he'd learned from scanning the boy’s brain, Yoongi found out that Jimin doesn't like his master, and ergo, Yoongi automatically does not like him. A pity since judging by the energy that radiated off him, Yoongi surmises that he would probably like the way the pink haired boy tastes. A real pity.

Jungkook thinks he's going to have a heart attack. What the hell is Yoongi thinking? He's actually drawing attention to himself, instead of running for the fucking hills! This is Park Jimin, a talented mage. Unlike Jungkook’s crappy white mage class, specializing in healing and buffing magic, the pipsqueak asshole works on the front lines in battles and he probably eats little demons like Yoongi for breakfast.

But to his utter bafflement, instead of turning Yoongi into a smear on the ground at the sight of his clearly demonic horns, Jimin just settles for looking vaguely shocked.

On the other hand, Jimin jaw drops furiously as he tries to wrap his brain around the sheer impossibility of the younger, clumsier mage actually having associates outside their school. He doesn't count himself since he's hardly anything as 'friends' with the reckless boy. But something about the pretty boy Jungkook's with, sets him on edge. Despite his small stature--though they're almost the same height, the pretty boy only a few centimeters shorter than him, but Jimin's not gonna admit that--there's an undercurrent of something he doesn’t like filling the room, though it's hard to identify what that might be.

Jimin eyes the boy somewhat critically, noting the slightly modified uniform. The boy doesn't look familiar even though he wears one of their school uniforms; but it isn't like he cares enough about Jungkook to know who he hangs out with.

Jimin stands on his ground, consciously letting a bit of his magic leak into the room. Unlike Jungkook’s wild, untamed aura, Jimin's is carefully controlled and honed to intent precision. “You’re the one who doesn’t belong here,” he says to Yoongi, quiet and dangerously for a moment, looking much more like he's the fearsome demon of the two. But the moment passes and he scowls at them instead and turns dramatically on his heel. “Whatever. It’s your damn funeral. I’ll just let Tae know you haven’t died yet.” He then stalks out from the room, the word ‘unfortunately’ is unspoken but obvious from his tone.

Jungkook watches him go, stunned into speechlessness before he finally finds his voice. “You don’t need to tell Taehyung shit!" he shouts after his retreating figure. “I don’t need his mothering.” Then he rounds on Yoongi, cognac eyes wide with confusion and suspicion as the incubus merely wags his tail innocently.

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