20: Partners (part two)

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Yoonkook soft hours~


Jungkook recoils, withdrawing his hand to his chest so fast it almost gives Yoongi a whiplash. The little demon's about to take offense but Jungkook’s eyes are lit with self-loathing guilt when he realizes that he had lost control and took it out on Yoongi, yet again. He was just too self-absorbed, too wrapped up in thinking about Taehyung that he hadn't even bothered to check if Yoongi was okay; Jungkook had given him a nasty jolt earlier-- which was enough to send more than one hapless classmate to the infirmary back when he was still allowed to spar.

He can't understand why Yoongi would still willingly seek him out, even after how utterly shitty contractor he, himself's proving to be.

"You... you shouldn't touch me right now," Jungkook warns, drawing his arms to wrap around his sides, feeling volatile like a half-finished set of runes being forcefully activated.

"But that's my job." And when he said that, Yoongi realizes that Jungkook doesn't even understand his innuendos. As usual. His stupid master hadn't even properly studied even the basics of demonology, so where's the hope in him comprehending what an incubus is for.

But it isn't fair. Jungkook is brimming with the kind of energy that makes Yoongi’s mouth water, and even now, the boy is bubbling with the untamed magical energy that Yoongi had twice been assaulted with. But being a demon that feeds off energy--and admittedly a bit of a masochist, though he's still on the sadistic side-- Yoongi really doesn't mind.

The demon suddenly pounces on Jungkook’s back, and without any warning, he wraps his arms around his master's narrow waist and forcibly cuddles up to him. He rests his head against Jungkook’s back, and squeezes the young mage closer to him. Being so close to such a radiantly powerful young mage, and not being able to sink his teeth into him, is such a tease, but none of Yoongi’s sufferings can be heard in the soft lulling voice he's used to say. "Please don't worry, Master."

"Just because that Taehyung guy wants nothing to do with you..." In what Yoongi saw in memories of Jungkook’s classmate, what he says isn't even closer from the truth. But the incubus loves manipulating mortals, especially the ones he has to call his master. More importantly, he loves breaking hearts. "...doesn't mean that's how I feel too."

'Taehyung wants nothing to do with you.'

At those words, Jungkook’s breath catches on his throat, doubt and worry and regret flickering in his eyes. Logically, he knows Taehyung still hadn't given up on him, and sometimes, that's all that got him through the day. That Taehyung still cared for him on some level. But Jungkook’s insides writhe at the thought that maybe this time he'd pushed him away too far. After all, Taehyung didn't come after him this time.

Maybe he's getting sick of chasing after him and trying to clean up his mess.

"Did he... did he say that to you?" The words slip out from his mouth before Jungkook can take it back, hates how pathetic and vulnerable they sound.

Jungkook is a very tactile person but it's been so long since he has touched another person, besides Yoongi, for fear of accidentally hurting them with his magical outbursts, like what he'd just demonstrated to the incubus earlier. But his familiar doesn't look any worse off than usual and it starts to give him a faint hope that demons are hardier than they look.

With a deep sigh, Jungkook consciously tries to stop worrying over Taehyung. It isn't fair to Yoongi who's here for him, who doesn't care about the stupid contract, neither of them particularly wanted. If Yoongi is making an effort, then he should have to as well. Jungkook turns around, and brings his arms up to wrap around Yoongi, returning the demon's hug. Holding his small warm body is much more comforting than he anticipated, making him feel like he's cuddling a living teddy bear.

There's a magical aura around his master that Yoongi is able to feel. And like degassing a magnetic field, his touch absorbs all that excess energy that Jungkook’s early outburst had inspired. Being in such a close embrace with his master gives Yoongi a real taste of what he's been craving, and even if it's barely a trickle of his magical energy, the little demon thinks it's absolutely delicious. But he was selfish and wanted more. The only thing stopping him from sinking his teeth into his master, sucking his magical energy out of him, is the memory of how Jungkook reacted the last time he had tried to do just that. Even though the demon has wings, he doesn't want to repeat that while perched on top of the edge of a tall tower.

Jungkook can feel himself slowly calming down. After a long while, he pulls back, looking much more in control of himself. "Thanks, Yoongi," he says sincerely, with a sweet, bashful smile on his face and he impulsively leans forward to plant a small kiss on the top of the demon's fluffy hair, just between his horns.

Yoongi's about to further deceive the easily manipulated young mage into thinking Taehyung hates him, but what Jungkook said, completely catches him off guard. The kiss leaves the incubus feeling flushed, stumbling over his words. "T-Thanks? For what?" he asks, sounding so confused.

This is not the typical treatment the little incubus was given. But then again, Jungkook is not the typical kind of master he has had.

"...I should be the one thanking you, my Master. You're the reason I exist in this world now."

Jungkook pats Yoongi's head again, the demon seemingly finding the motion eerily comforting, a little similar to how certain people calm down when they stroke or cuddle up with a cat.

"I dunno... Just, thanks," Jungkook says with an embarrassed little shrug, having difficulties putting into words exactly what he is thankful for. He supposes, he's thanking Yoongi for being there for him and finding him, when he hadn't asked to be found. Jungkook tends to mope and think himself into circles when he's left alone and sometimes, he would end up doing something reckless and stupid--like summoning up a demon, for example. He wants to thank Yoongi for actually wanting to stick around, even after seeing how bad tempered and volatile he is. Even though, his magic had lashed out wildly at Yoongi twice now, the demon seems to have no reservations in touching him, still. Even Taehyung had been wary of touching his skin directly- and with a good reason too, considering how he had sent a group of their classmates into intensive care when they'd tried to gang up on him, stupidly startling him by grabbing his mouth from behind.

Suddenly, Jungkook feels a wave of affection for the cuddly little incubus as he ruffles his fluffy blond hair. He finally takes the time to take a good look at his new familiar, taking in his adorable face and horns and wings and flicking tail, idly wondering just what kind of demon an incubus is.

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