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"Kai just no" I sighed as I looked up at him blocking me from entering the cafeteria again. I try to go past him but he blocks it once again. "Like seriously Kai, please leave me alone". I tried once more to push by him but he didn't budge. I sighed once again "okay, what do you want?"

"Look I know I've been a little bit of a creep but... I need your help" he trailed off and looked up at me hopefully.

I took a deep breath in, "there's plenty of other people to ask for help with". I walked by him successfully this time but he grabbed my wrist stopping me from fully going into the cafeteria. I turned around back to face him clearly annoyed. "Okay, what do I need to do?" I scoffed.

He looked me in the eyes clearly thankful I'm even considering his question. He looked down shyly and turned his head to the side. "You know Sohee right... Taehyung's girlfriend..." I nodded my head agitated that he mentioned that girls name. "Well she's bothering me a lot recently during lunch because she doesn't sit with you. Oh and when I mean bother I mean like flirting and trying to cheat on Taehyung type of way... and as you can probably tell I'm a bit of a player but I would never date someone who's taken but... it's Sohee! I'm question why Taehyung's even dating her I mean...it's Sohee."

"Get to the point" I asked him tiredly. He looked up and looked me in the eye.

"Can I sit with you and your group during lunch so I don't have to deal with her during lunch myself anymore" He begged putting his hands together and slightly bowing. 

"Is that all?" you chuckled. "Sure why not.. just don't be creepy" I playfully hit his shoulder and walked by him without getting stopped this time... by him at least. Instead I bumped into Jungkook's chest and he apologized and then looked down at me. 

"Where have you been? It shouldn't take that long to get some water" he slowly looked over my shoulder and saw Kai behind me. I looked between the both of them back and forth.

"Okay lovebirds lunch is waiting come on" I jokingly said while I started making my way back to the cafeteria. They looked at me with a disgusted face as I walked by making me giggle.

Jungkook and Kai followed behind me and suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Why is he following us?" Jungkook whispered to me.

"Just let him, he asked me for a favor that involves Sohee and since  don't like her, I agreed" I plainly said with a straight face while walking, slowly approaching the table.

"Sohee? What's wrong with her?" He asked completely clueless and I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"Are you serious?" I scoffed at looked at him sadly but just only seemed to be confused. "You've got to be kidding me.." I started walking again and looked over my should where Jungkook was  "Forget I said anything". Jungkook joined up with Kai and I and I sat down. I made up a story to say why Kai was sitting with us because it seemed that some people haven't seen Sohee's true colors yet. Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok seemed to not know the real Sohee while the rest already knew she was a jerk. I sighed and went to eat some food but what I didn't notice was Mijin looking at me thinking something was wrong.

Eventually, Tae and Jungkook excused themselves to go to the bathroom because they thought having a soda drinking contest would be a good idea. Once they left Mijin got my attention by clearing her throat.

 "Okay, what's up? What's the real reason Kai's here?" I was shocked that she could tell because I thought my lie was pretty convincing.

I played with my fingers a bit "well you see... Sohee has been messing around with Kai during lunch and he hates her so he wants to have lunch with us from now on because she doesn't like to have lunch here because of me" I sat in one breath.

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