•Chapter 3•

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"Top of the mornin to ya laddies!!" He shouted, looking into the camera lens. "My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to our only series, Spider-Man!" He has been obsessing over the game since it came out, calling himself out on the fact that he had posted only Spider-Man for the past week.

  Jack continued to play the game as normal, finally getting off his ass to record. He never ate breakfast, so he was starving.

  "Okay, so we're gonna go and check on doc Oc because last time we saw him, he was going a little..." Jack pointed at his own head using his index finger and swirled it around, making an 'insane' symbol.

I wonder what Signe's doing now?

  Jacks smile faded, his heart hurting a little inside. He stopped playing, feeling greatly upset again. Jack reached forward, turning the recording off and leaning back in his green and black chair. "Shit," he sighed, not giving himself time to ever process the news.

  The two haven't been together since a few months ago, it had been lonely for Jack. He had kept that a secret until yesterday when they both decided to tweet it. Most of his friends were just now finding out about his breakup with Signe. Jack never gave himself time to process that, he had just went back to recording, pretending that he was fine. He thought that he got everything figured out when he went to LA for a break. So then why is he feeling this way, like absolute shit?


  Mark looked like trash, felt disgusting, his hair was greasy, and he smelt like dog shit and dirt, he needed a shower.

  Mark slowly walked up the stairs, into the bedroom, and into the bathroom. He moved the shower handle sideways, moving it until it was at the lukewarm line. He swiftly went to the bathroom and took his shirt off.


  Mark sighed, wanting to finally take a shower. But whatever it is, he can't ignore that for a whole 10-20 minutes!!! Mark picked his phone off the table, seeing a message from the 'god of YouTube, all glorious one....' for now.

Felix: did you see Sean's tweet?

Uh, no? I haven't checked.

Felix: I didn't see it until just now, but you should look at it.

K, I'll check after I take a shower

  Mark put his phone back down on the table, and stripped naked completely. Just as he stepped in the shower, he heard his phone ding again. The only thing he could read from behind the glass was that it was a text from Felix.

Oh well. I'm already in the shower.

  Mark closed his eyes, letting the kind of warm water hit his body. A blue light flashed in his head, followed by a red one. Mark's eyes reopened, thinking about what has been going on recently.

First, that weird dream last night, then the....the forest.

  Mark remembered Wade's mangled body, drenched in blood. 'M-Mark,' he remembered hearing Wade after that thing was choking Mark.

Mark's eyes shut once more, trying to remember what else was in the dream. That's it! Back to when the figure was choking him, Mark was looking upwards, there were corpses hanging by nooses on the tree branches. The bodies turned, one revealing Amy's dead face.

The memory soon faded away, and Mark was left in darkness.

Mark opened his eyes, grabbed the bottle of shampoo, and rubbed in in his hair, his fingers tangled in the knots in his hair.

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