•Chapter 10•

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  Jack sat on the edge of the stage, watching Ethan and Wade bust down some moves. They were literally the life of the party, everybody was so captivated by their 'moves'. Everybody cheered as Ethan did a back flip. Jack clapped. "So, have you seen Felix yet," Ken asked, his head spinning around worriedly.

Flashback = underline text
"Hey Jack!" Mark's excited voice called. Shit. Jack turned around, seeing the half-Korean rush up to him. "Hey Mark," he replied quickly, "whats up?" "I just wanted to ask you how that cut is doing," he said, motioning to his arm. Weird. He seemed to actually care this time, which was contrary to when he 'helped.' "It's fine, thanks for asking." Mark smiled slightly, though it didn't look like a pleasant one. "So how's the party, did I plan it well," he asked. Jack nodded, "yeah it's been good. Ethan and Tyler are getting everyone's attention!" Jack looked off into the distance, seeing Tyler take a bow, Bob laughing in the background. Mark looked around for a second, as if not understanding, before his eyes landed on the two. "Oh yeah," he replied with a slight chuckle. There was a moment of silence, before Mark's face completely fell. "Are you okay," Jack asked with concern, "I'll be right back." Mark brushed past Jack, leaving him by himself. He turned around, watching him round the corner, and saw Felix rush after him. "JACK!" A hand tapped his shoulder. Jack jumped, turning around to see Ken.

"I saw him for a second, but that was it." "Oh," Ken sighed, "why, is it anything important?" "I suppose not, but Felix was noting how Mark seemed a little weird, and I guess I'm starting to notice it as well." Before Jack could reply, Ethan stepped into their conversation. "May we get the lovely Jack and.... just Ken," Ethan joked, laughing at the end of his sentence. The crowd cheered, most shouting greetings at them. Ethan took a hold of both of their hands and brought them next to Bob and Tyler. "Okay, you two can be on my team!!!" "Um, what is this for," Ken asked, clearly confused. "Oh just a game," "but for what???" Ethan looked at the two, just as confused. "I actually don't know." Jack laughed at Ethan's stupid response, who laughed in return. "Well you see, fuckers," Bob started, all of them turned their heads to look at him. "Nobody really knows what we're doing, so just make some shit up!" "Like what, I'm out of ideassssss," Ethan whined. "Um, we could do improv," Wade suggested, "we always do that." Ethan retorted, looking at Tyler for suggestions. Tyler shrugged. "Well good to know you're USELESS!" They all laughed, "wait. I have an idea now. HEY EVERYONE!" Ethan shouted, everybody turned their heads. This was like a panel they did, but it was actually a party. Without any other words but a scream, Ethan ran up to Wade and jumped on him. "Ethan what the fuck are you doing, get off!"

After their little scene was over, Jack decided to look for Felix. He had lost Ken in Arin Hanson's enticing deal to have a drinking contest. How fun. When they're all wasted, Jack will laugh at their stupidity.

The Irishman went back to where he last saw Felix, the hallway was almost pitch black.

Wow. That's totally not eerie at all!

Jack pulled his phone out of his pocket and used it as a flashlight. Sure it would be simpler if he turned on the lights, but all of the switches were in very inconvenient places that he had no idea where to find. He swiftly opened every door in his path, before turning right into the next hall. "Felix, are you around here," Jack whispered, not knowing why. He felt like it was wrong to be snooping around Mark's place, even if it was rented.

He slowly looked around at the few doors in this hallway. Thank god. He didn't want to open one more fucking door.

  Jack slowly opened a door, seeing nothing but a small bed in the corner of the room. He shut the door quickly, getting creeped out. Next room, nothing. Starting to get frustrated, he searched the rooms quickly and sloppily. Finally, he reached the end of the hallway, and something immediately stuck out to him.

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