•Chapter 18•

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  The last moments he ever felt. He felt an awful burning feeling spreading throughout his whole body. It felt like his organs were on fire, like his skin was melting off of his bones, like his bones were all withering away inside of him. His eyes were shut tightly, waiting for the sweet release of death.

  The pain faded slowly away, the screaming of Dark in his head leaving with it.

  Mark's eyes slowly opened, seeing nothing but darkness. He sat himself upright, feeling blood seeping through his shirt. "What the hell is this?"

  "No," he said in disbelief. "He can't be dead!" There went the tears, running down his cheeks and off of his chin. "We went through all of this trouble to get him back! And he's dead! This can't be right!!" Felix cried, Cry looked at him, his eyes full of hurt. "What about Jack," Wade asked quietly, his voice breaking. Cry didn't respond, he only looked down. "No," Felix said again. "No no no no no!! They're both dead!!" He sobbed, Marzia walked up to him slowly, her eyes full of tears. She hugged him, crying into his shoulder, "it's okay," her voice broke. "I'm.....I'm sorry....this shouldn't have happened," Cry apologized, his hands pulling at his hair. "We just lost two friends in one night," Ken said to himself, staring at the ground. "GOD I FUCKING HATE THEM! They killed our best friends!!!"

  He stood up, feeling blood gush out of his stomach. The half-Korean gripped it in pain, letting out a small grunt.

  The last thing he remembered was Anti looking down at him.

  His mind flashed to Jack, wondering if he was okay. He had hoped that everybody was safe, and they were all laughing together, glad that they stopped this war between the demons and the youtubers. But the small cries he heard told him otherwise.

  "They killed our best friends," Felix's voice echoed throughout the halls.


  Mark's face fell, looking around more frantically.

Am I dead?

  A tear dripped out of Mark's eye, rolling down his cheek.

No. No. No no no.
This can't be it! I can't be dead! There are still so many things I haven't done! My friends.....I never said goodbye. Amy....... Amy and Chica.... they'll never see me again!! This can't be the end!

  The half-Korean ran around, trying to find someone. "Amy," he called in desperation, "Chica? Felix? Bob? Jack? Please! Answer me!!" He looked up, seeing nothing but darkness. "SOMEONE PLEASE!!" Mark fell down to his knees, tears pouring out of his eyes, he gripped his hair tightly, hearing more voices.

  "I'm so sorry......I killed you." Cry's voice rang out, "shut up shut up," Mark mumbled, pulling at the strands of his hair.

"You're dead because of me."

"This can't be happening."

"What will we tell everyone?!"

"This has to be some fucked up dream! This can't be real!"

  Mark's eyes were shut tightly, hoping that the voices would just shut up.

"He was my best friend."

"They didn't deserve to die."

  Finally, the voices stopped. Everything fell silent once again. Well, almost silent. There was one voice, and that was the sound of cries.

  Mark looked up, searching for the voice. Before he finally saw him.


  He was hunched over, looking down at the ground. There was a large slit in his back, and an exit wound was visible on the other side. Blood soaked his clothing, and his arms were covered in bruises.

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