•Chapter 19•

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Everybody looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Really Felix, why would you even joke like that?" Wade asked quietly, clearly heartbroken over the loss of their friends. "I swear to god I'm not, I would never joke," Felix replied defensively, bending down next to the Irishman and the half-Korean.

"Please please please," The Swede mumbled, praying to god that somehow they're alive. "Fe, I think....." Marzia's voice trailed off. "I think you're just in shock," "Marzi. I know what I saw." She bit her lip, wanting to believe him. Felix could tell, however, that she didn't. "Fe-" she cut herself off right as Felix saw the Irishman's cuts starting to heal. They slowly turned into scars, stitching themselves back together. He looked over to Mark, who was reacting the same.


"Oh my god," Marzia said in disbelief mixed with joy. "What's-" all of a sudden, Mark bolted up, hyperventilating. While Jack inhaled sharply, groaning. "OH MY GOD," Marzia squealed with excitement, tears welling up in her eyes. She jumped onto Felix, bouncing up and down. Everybody turned their heads to see what the commotion was, until they saw them.

"OH MY GOD JACK! MARK!" Bob screamed, running to the pair's side. Wade followed, tears streaming down his face. Ken came rushing by, "CRY! THEY'RE ALIVE!" He screamed with joy, before bending down next to them.

Jack slowly sat up, wincing in pain. "What," his voice sounded hoarse, probably from all of the screaming. "What happened," Mark finished for the irishman, looking confused at everybody around them. "Do you not remember anything last night," Wade asked in disbelief, gaping at their friends. "Of course I do," Jack said quietly, his smile fading. "I....I killed a-all of those people," he stammered, the Irishman's voice breaking. His eyes traveled to the bite in Mark's neck, that was the only wound that was still bleeding. You couldn't replace mangled flesh.

"I...." Jack pressed a hand up to his blood-stained lips, looking disgusted. "My teeth were...." his hand shook as he held it up to Mark's wound. "I bit you!" His voice sounded clearer and more horrified, sounding disgusted with himself. "That wasn't you," Mark replied, shaking his head and covering up the wound. "But-" "he's right. It was that psychopath," Felix agreed. "Yeah, we know that you would never do that," Marzia chimed in, smiling broadly.

Cry came rushing over, seeing the two. He ran towards the group, apologizing over and over again, sounding like he was sobbing. "Hey it's okay, it's okay," Ken reassured Cry, patting his back as he sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I was arrogant and killed you two! And-" "it's okay."

The Aftermath
Mark stood in the kitchen, making breakfast for all of the guys (Bob, Wade, Ken, Felix, Jack, Tyler, and Ethan) plus Marzia with Amy. She still had no clue on what really happened that night. Part of Mark thought that she still worried about it.

"Breakfast is served," Mark announced, handing out plates full of bacon and eggs to every single person. Marzia thanked him quietly, while the rest were talking loudly. Except for Jack.

Mark's eyes landed on the Irishman as he stared down at his hands. The half-Korean tapped his hand lightly. Jack looked up at him, confused. "Are you okay," Mark whispered in fear of the others hearing him. Jack nodded quickly, before standing up and walking elsewhere. The half-Korean sighed deeply, looking at Amy, who was looking at him worriedly. Felix turned around, seeing Jack leave, "I got it." Mark said quietly, setting down the plate and following him.

"Jack, are you in here," Mark asked, knocking on the bathroom door. He heard shuffling in response. "I'm coming in, okay?" Mark turned the knob of the door, seeing that it was unlocked, and opened it carefully. Jack was leaning over the kitchen counter, his head resting in his hands. "Is everything okay," the Irishman looked at him, before staring at his lower neck/upper shoulder at where he bit Mark. "Nope," Jack simply replied, looking back into the mirror before closing his eyes. Mark stepped fully in the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He placed a hand on Jack's shoulder, who opened his eyes. "I still remember what Anti did," he finally admitted, turning around to look at Mark. "I remember how he killed those cops," "Jack...." "The only thing he was thinking of was killing you." Mark's eyes widened slightly, but he didn't say anything. "He just wanted to kill you, and I just let him hurt you." "Look, you-"

  "You want to know what's funny?" The Irishman's eyes weren't even looking at Mark anymore, they were now just looking off into space. The taller man didn't reply, only listened. "When Anti took over again, it was.....different," Jack was scratching at his own wrist, refusing to look away from the shower behind Mark. "Usually, I can....like... hear his-" "his thoughts," Mark finished for him with a question. Jack nodded, before continuing. "But when he killed that officer, all I heard was this horrible screaming noise." He continued to scratch at his wrists, looking off into the distance. "It was quiet as first," he explained quickly, rushing his words. "But then it just got louder and louder and louder, screaming at me to kill, to kill all of them. And it just wouldn't st-" Mark placed both hands on Jack's shoulders, shaking him out of his trance. "It's okay, Sean," he reassured him, giving a small smile. Only then did Jack look up at him, his sparkly blue eyes full of sadness and confusion. "They're gone now, and they'll never come back again." Mark pulled the smaller man into a hug, Jack seemed hesitant at first, but returned the hug.

  "HEY, STOP FUCKING IN THE BATHROOM YOU TWO!" Felix shouted from down the hall, earning laughs from everyone. "Septiplier awayyyyy," Bob chimed in, "I ship it," he heard Amy's voice. Mark opened up the bathroom door, sprinting into the kitchen with Jack in tow. "YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND! THE BEAUTIFUL LOVABLE MS. PEEBLES!! And you ship us?!" Amy laughed at his stupid nickname for her, Ethan saying "aww" in response for what Mark had said. "Although I do love some Amyplier action, I still Stan septiplier," Felix said quietly with a laugh. Mark gave him a pouty face, before looking at Amy expectantly. "Yeahhh I'll have to agree with Fe on that one," she let out a cute giggle and smiled, making Mark blush. "Awwww getting flustered," Felix cooed with a smug grin plastered on his face. Mark shot him a playful grin, before spinning around to see amusement on Jack's face, he wasn't smiling however. "Fine then, I'll just date Jackaboy instead," Jack's eyebrow quirked up at the nickname that Mark hadn't called him for a while. "No thanks, I'm good," he shook his head, earning a scream from Felix. "OOF REJECTED BY A LEPRECHAUN," Mark rolled his eyes with a smile. "Awww but why, septiplier isn't totally dead," the half-Korean joked, making gross kissy noises at Jack.

  Jack still didn't smile, but his eyes showed amusement. "Yeah..... I'm good," he backed away from Mark, only for Felix to hold him in place. "GET EM MARK, GO GET YO MAN," everyone laughed, Jack only whined. "Nope nope nope," he said, trying to escape Felix's grasp as Mark inches closer, cracking a smile. "Don't run from love," Amy laughed from behind him, "yep you can't run you Irish potato!" Mark chimed in with a chuckle, Jack rolled his eyes, a small curve on his lips. The half-Korean was about to steal a hug, when Felix ripped Jack away in a jokitive manner. "Nope, Septicpie will never die!!!" the Swede screamed, practically shattering everyone's ears. "Okay see ya Fe," Marzia said coolly, pretending to take her engagement ring off. "Hey Marzi, you're still 2nd place ship," Felix joked, earning a laugh from the others. "I'm feeling like there's a love triangle going on here," Bob said with amusement. "100%," Wade agreed, earning a laugh from Tyler.

  Mark and Felix fought for the poor Irishman, both pulling on him. The others looked extremely entertained. "BATTLE OF THE SHIPS," Ethan shouted loudly, jumping off the kitchen counter. "WINNER TAKES JACK!"

They all looked at each other, grinning happily. All of them finally moved on, enjoying their lives with friends. Everything was going to be okay.

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