•Chapter 12•

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"DO YOU HEAR ME?!?! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Mark angrily shouted.

"Oh will you now? And how'd you do that? I can't kill you, you can't kill me."

"YOU KILLED EMMA, SUZY, DAN, AND MATTHIAS! YOU STABBED SEAN! YOU BROKE BRYAN'S ARM! I hope you burn in Hell you awful piece of shit!"

"I didn't kill them."


Dark didn't answer, he'll find out soon enough.

"Look. I get that you're mad. But-"

"MAD?! You've killed so many people that I value! And all you say is 'you're mad.' YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIENDS."

"Ah right. Your best friends. I'll spare Tyler, Wade, and Bob for you."


"Nah. It's more fun this way anyways." Dark sat on the top of the tree, looking down at the Swede, the Irishman, and the one from the Game Grumps; a plan was arising.

It has been what felt like hours, and they've found literally nobody. Felix started to fear that something bad happened. He hadn't heard anything, nor seen anything since they ran out of the house. The trio walked in complete silence, Jack stumbling from time to time, while Arin's head hung low. Felix couldn't imagine watching his best friend and his Marzia die in front of him. The poor Grump. Jack, on the other hand, was lucky. Signe and him were no longer a thing, and of course he felt bad, but he envied him because he didn't have to constantly worry if she's alive or dead.

"This is awful," Felix said, breaking the silence. It was pouring rain, and the only thing stopping them from being soaked was the trees.

The Irishman and the Grump perked their heads up, listening to Felix. "It's pouring fucking rain, I'm starving, all of our friends are dead, the list goes on!" "Mark's gone insane," Jack added to the list. "I got stabbed, we haven't seen anyone, Dark could be on a killing spree right now, we're in the middle of the forest! Everything is fucking bad!" "Agreed," Arin said quietly. "If we don't find anyone soon, I might literally have an anxiety attack," Jack added on.

Felix sighed deeply. All he wanted was to be back in Brighton with Marzia and the pugs, sitting on the couch watching movies. All he wanted was to kiss her lips again and to know nothing was going to happen to them. All he wanted was to know she was safe in his arms.

However, if he stayed home, then all of the other youtubers would be suffering. They'd all be getting tortured and murdered by Mark's alter ego, while he was sitting in the comforts of his own home enjoying life. They'd all be dead, while he'd be alive and safe.

"I have a funny story," Arin said, his voice still shaking. "Once, me, Dan, Suzy, Ross, and Matt all went ice skating together," he started. "It was Dan's first time, and it was fucking hilarious. All he was doing was falling on his ass and slipping everywhere. He even ran into some random person, which was even more funny." Felix smiled, seeing Arin chuckle a little bit at the memory. "So he had the bright idea to jump on my back. And he flew over my shoulders and fell on the ice, bringing me down with him." The Grump paused, taking a second to breathe. "Suzy just starting howling with laughter, as if it was the funniest thing she's ever seen. Meanwhile, Ross had the bright idea of a dog pile and jumped on top of me and Dan." Arin was smiling at the good memory, as well as Jack and Felix. Felix had almost forgotten that two of them had died. His smile faltered.

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