•Chapter 7•

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"Wake up~" a high pitched voice said quietly. Jack stirred, feeling himself start to wake up. "Wake up," the voice said a bit more harshly. "WAKE UP!" Jack bolted upright, his eyes darting around to see who was talking to him. "You won't find me, idiot, I'm in your head." Jack sighed, stretching the skin on his face with his hands. "I'm bored, let's do something." Jack ignored the voice in his head, it was constantly shouting at him.

Maybe Mark was right? Whatever was happening to Jack is also happening to Mark. That's odd.

"Also, Mark texted you, so read it." Jack picked his phone up from the dresser, reading the notification.

Mark: Hey Jack! I'm hosting a party at my EPIC lake house! U should come! It's in a few days btw.

I'll have to look at flights then! Also, didn't know u had a lake house

Mark responded almost immediately, he did only send out this text half an hour ago.

Mark: I don't lmao. I just rented it.


Mark: So, here's some information about the party. A shit ton of people are gonna be there, like Ethan, Arin, Danny, Phil, Felix, a bunch of people. You and Felix can come earlier however, so we can catch up a bit!

Okay cool. I'll look at flights. Also, I was over ur place not too long ago

Mark: I know. But you guys do live in different countries. It's not everyday that I get to see you and Felix.

Point proven, okay. I'll see you there then!

Jack shut off his phone and practically ran onto his computer to look at flight times. "Oooh a party! I like his style!" Jack ignored it again and ran through flight times. There were a lot of flights completely full. The party was very soon, so it was gonna be hard to get on a flight. Jack hovered over a 9 am flight, there were some seats left. "Do that one. The earlier the better," the first time Jack heard that voice he was fucking freaking out. He's gotten used to it in a very quick amount of time. It does talk a lot. A ton, actually. Never shuts up.

"Hey! First off, I'm not an 'it' and also, at least your not boring yourself all alone in this dump!" Jack finally took notice of the voice, "well do you have a name then?" "Your worst nightmares," Jack rolled his eyes. At least it has a sense of humor. "You can call me Anti for the time being." The name sounds familiar to Jack. Maybe because there's an 'anti' on many things: antidepressants, antibacteria, etc. Eh, who cares? A names a name.

  Jack swiftly booked a flight for tomorrow morning, smiling to himself. He grabbed his phone off of his desk and sent Mark a text saying his flight time, before he got a call from Felix.

  "Jacksepticeyeeeee," Felix screeched in a high-pitched Marzia-like voice. "Hi to you too, meatball," "hey. At least I don't call you a potato," "but instead you call me leprechaun." Jack grinned, even though Felix couldn't see him. "Fair point." He paused, "Mark said you were invited early to his thing as well and we should book the same flight!! Yayyy," he said with fake cheeriness. "Twinsies," Felix screeched again. Yep, he's exactly like he is in videos. "Yeah I just booked one," "which one is it," "it's at 9 am." "Oh I see it," Jack heard the mouse clicking from the other line as he waited patiently for Felix to finish. "I like this one. And I think I know someone who would like to meet him," Anti said excitedly. Jack didn't say anything, not wanting to sound like a psychopath in front of Felix. Then again, he could just mute it.

  "K, it's done," Felix's voice interrupted Jack's thoughts. "Nice," "you better hope it's nice," Felix retorted. Jack laughed at the stupidity of his friend. "That doesn't even make sense," "hey don't laugh at me!" Felix said loudly, in a joking manner, too late for not laughing.

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