Yes. That just happened.

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A/N: I could not let go of my last story soo.... well... you'll see.

Emma's P.O.V.

I went down to the great hall for breakfast by myself, because I was the first one to wake up.

I sat down at the Hufflepuff table. Why? I don't know. It just felt.... welcoming.

I was the only one in there so why not?

"It feels so cheery at this table." I said aloud to myself.

"I'd agree." someone said behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around to see a Hufflepuff boy walking over and sitting across from me.

"Oh, hi!" I said, "Who are you?"

"Well, you're sitting at my house's table.."

"Oh, sorry. I'm Emma Torrett."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Cedric Diggory."

I heard another voice of someone walking into the hall. I turned around to see a girl with brown hair a bit like Cedric's.

"Hi Riley!" Cedric said. (A/N: Yes. That just happened. I'm putting them in this story.)

"Oh, hey!" She said to me, "You must be the ever so famous Emma Torrett, correct? I see you've been helping my best friends with their pranks." 

"You're friends with Fred and George?"

"Well.. for George it's a bit more than friends but..."

I laughed, "I get it."

"Anyway, I'm Riley Diggory."

"I would introduce myself but it seems you already know my name."

Fred and George came in, "Look! Our sidekick has met our best friend!" Fred said.

"Your best friend." George corrected.

"Oh, yeah... you're dating..."

Cedric looked at George with that "I'm watching you" look that brothers give their sisters boyfriends.

"Well, I'm going to go sit at the Ravenclaw table now."

"But we have a new prank planned!" Fred and George said at the same time.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We're going to fill Filch's office with Cornish Pixies. But we don't know how to get them in there cages and getting out before they attack us."

I thought for a moment before saying "Alright."

"But I do have to get back before breakfast starts. I'm hungry and I'm helping Seamus later."

"Is that the kid that always ends up blowing things up?"  Riley asked.

"Well yeah. But he's really improving. And he's really patient."

I helped them with the Cornish Pixies, and ran back to breakfast. Everyone was there now, so I grabbed Luna and sat at the Gryffindor table.

"Why are we sitting here?" Luna asked.

"So we can sit by our friends."

"You mean your friends."

"Well the only friend you have is me. And I wanted to help you make more friends."

"Wow Emma. I would normally be the one telling you this."

'Well, the tables have turned."

She laughed. Fred, George, Riley, Seamus, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, and I talked all breakfast. Neville was looking at Luna sheepishly.

They were all going to watch the quidditch tryouts, but Luna said, 

"Sorry, I'm going to go feed the Thestrals. Emma would you like to come?"

"Well, I was going to go to watch Fred, George, and Riley try out, But, Neville would love to go with!"

Neville looked at me, "I didn't sa-"

I glared at him so he would shut up,

Luna didn't seem to notice because she said, "Great! I don't know if you'd be able to see them though."

"He would."


"Why would I not be able to see them?" Neville asked.

"Well you can only see them if you've seen death."

Neville looked frightnened.

"Oh don't worry. They're very gentle creatures." Luna explained, "People just think they're scary because of the whole death thing."

"Alright." Neville said nervously.

(A/N: Yes, I'm totally shipping Neville and Luna.)


"Congrats!" I said to Fred, George, and Riley who had made it on the Gryffindor quidditch team.

Fred and George were beaters, Riley was a chaser.


When I got back to the Ravenclaw common room, Luna was there.

"Hi Luna!" I said, "How did the Thestrals go?" 

"Great!" she answered, "Neville was really good with the Thestrals! They must like him because he's quiet and gentle,"


"So how do you know Neville anyway?" she asked.

"Oh, well he's sort of like my adopted brother. But he kept his last name. My parents took him in after-" I stopped, "I guess that part's for him to tell. He doesn't want everyone to know. He's really sensitive about it."

"Alright." she said with  understanding.

A/N: Yes, I brought Riley Diggory into the story. But the story is still all about Emma and Seamus. Don't worry. :-)

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